Tag: xbla

  • The Walking Dead Episode One Now Free on XBL

    Although this isn’t the first time the introductory episode has been available for free, it previously required members to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription. The first episode of The Walking Dead is also available for free on PlayStation Network, but sadly only for US users, with no sign of it on the EU PSN…

  • Fez Released on Mac and Linux via Humble Bundle 9

    As with all Humble Bundles, the pack is pay-what-you-want (split among developers, charities and the Humble Bundle crew), though you’ll need to beat the current average of $4.60 (about £2.90) to obtain Fez. In addition to Fez, the bundle also includes a number of critically-rated indie and commercial games, such as Double Fine’s Brutal Legend,…

  • Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers Expansion Announced

    The news was made in a press release issued today. It highlights several new features for the expansion, including: Five New Playable Decks – Unlock 280 unique cards over multiple battles. New Campaign Levels – Battle through six new single-player campaign levels, exploring the planes of Ravnica and Kamigawa. Five New Challenges – Fiendish puzzles…

  • Flashback

    Platform games in 1993 were a somewhat simpler thing. Focusing on second to second precision, they were more concerned with getting from left to right in as fast a time with as high a score as possible. Flashback, released originally on the Amiga and eventually seeing versions for pretty much everything that played games at…

  • Microsoft to Remove $40k Game Patch Fee on Xbox 360

    The news was confirmed by multiple development sources speaking to Eurogamer this morning. Previously, Microsoft would charge an initial fee for certification of Xbox Live Arcade titles, and then – in most cases – would allow a single free title update to fix bugs first discovered when a game is introduced to a larger user-base.…

  • Twisted Pixel Confirms Xbox One Launch Title LocoCycle

    In a week full of disheartening news about the Xbox One’s game policies, Microsoft fans will be pleased to hear confirmation of a new Xbox One launch title. LocoCycle seems to be physics-based racing game/shoot ’em up starring a sentient bike and its unfortunate driver. Could this be Knight Rider with bikes? The game comes…

  • Spelunky HD Returning to PC This Summer

    The original version of Spelunky (still available as “Spelunky Classic” on the Mossmouth website) was developed by Derek Yu in GameMaker and released way back in 2009. A charming concoction of retro cave-exploration and roguelike influences saw Spelunky labeled as a mix between games like La-Mulana or Digger T. Rock and Rogue. It was an…

  • DuckTales remake making its way to PC

    Console gamers who grew up in the early 90s had reason to be excited when the teaser trailer for the HD remaster of the beloved DuckTales videogame, originally released on the NES.  PC gamers may have felt a little dejected though when their platform of choice didn’t get a mention. Well fret no longer, DuckTales:…

  • Minecraft receiving next Title Update on the 9th of April

    This title update for the immensely popular Minecraft XBLA Edition comes with a bucket load of changes, additions and improvements like the ability to “finish” the game by adding ‘The End’, and even some new behaviours for the Enderdragon that PC gaming types won’t have seen before. There’s also been improvements in the speed of…

  • Terraria to Embark on PlayStation Vita This Summer

    The port is presumably based on the console re-releases of Terraria, which hit Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network earlier this week. In response to the announcement, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe executive Shahid Ahmad said: “We are tremendously excited about bringing Terraria to PS Vita. For us this is a real coup, the opportunity to bring…