Fez Released on Mac and Linux via Humble Bundle 9

As with all Humble Bundles, the pack is pay-what-you-want (split among developers, charities and the Humble Bundle crew), though you’ll need to beat the current average of $4.60 (about £2.90) to obtain Fez.

In addition to Fez, the bundle also includes a number of critically-rated indie and commercial games, such as Double Fine’s Brutal Legend, Kickstarter success FTL: Faster Than Light and superb stealth-platformer Mark of the Ninja.

Along with a DRM-free copy of each game (available straight from your Humble Bundle account), each title in the 9th Humble Bundle includes a Steam key, if you’d prefer to keep your collection organised that way.

Fez was originally released last year on Xbox Live Arcade, where it debuted to critical acclaim. Fez creator Phil Fish recently cancelled the development of Fez II in response to “personal attacks and public abuse”, so it’s unlikely we’ll see a sequel soon.


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