Author: Eleanor

  • “Everybody”?

    It is a man’s world, but he would be nothing without a woman… or maybe he would be more, maybe he would be able to get on with dreaming of jet-packs and 3D. Then we could have had mammoth leaps forward in the world of gaming years ago…  if only there wasn’t a woman standing…

  • Four In One

    ‘Here you go, it’s one of those stabby stabby games, you’ll like it.’ What’s this being placed in my tiny hand? A free game, with complementary friend endorsement? Excellent! I slide it into the Xbox 360 and bingo, it is indeed a bit of stabby stabby action. My dying child hides in the back of a dilapidated shop while…

  • Mystery birthday game

    I find birthdays to be a bit of a mixed bag, so tend to let mine slip by without too much fuss. This year, for example, I added an extra year to my age and celebrated by sitting in with Indian take away. A bit sad, some of you may think, but I would much…

  • Low Cost Gameline

    I have managed to travel to my home town of Ireland twice in the last two months, so more then usual. It has been blissfully rainy and wonderfully coated in damp mist living up to all my usual expectations. Sadly my passport ran out so I have to stay put for a bit while it…

  • Green Zone and Trials HD

    It is always nice to walk into a posh hotel, announce your name, and be escorted down into a private function room. I managed to get this rare privilege by knowing a competition winner of an Xbox Live community event. I’m not sure what it was they won at, or why they were unable to tell me,…

  • Cross at the Sign

    All hail Pat Laffaye, the man who has broken the Frogger high score set in an episode of Seinfeld. Here is a man who should be commended for setting the highest score ever, and yet the gaming blog collective has been covered with pictures of that fat bald guy from the show instead of Pat’s smiling…

  • Sneezy Peasy

    I have just walked home in the lashing rain and it is definitely winter. My stupid brain has been whispering ‘you’ll catch your death in those wet things’ for the last five minutes so I have changed into my pyjamas beside the tumble dryer. My freezing hands were barely able to open the laptop but…

  • Bloody Gaming

    All parents face challenges with their children. These vary from trying to get them to do their homework to staying up all night for fear that the once angelic child has turned to sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Of course there can be other challenges too, such as when your child is born with…

  • When they do it right…

    I love that feeling when the right man turns up and the whole world flips upside down. The mundane slips away and you are reinvigorated with a lust for life that you had previously banished to your teen years. You want to tell everyone but you are too busy daydreaming, and every moment becomes a moment…

  • Imagine: Girl Paradise

    Imagine a room taken over by eight year old girls, filled with their favourite things and then set up for a party. This was the vision greeting me at the Imagine event in London on the 13th of August. It was super sparkly, full of balloons and adorned with amazingly cute cup cakes. I instantly felt…