A Matter Of Life And Death

Attention, soldiers! Listen up! This is important.

For years we Gears have been battered and slaughtered by the locust scum. Our cities destroyed and our loved ones murdered. There is not one gear among us who hasn’t witnessed the loss of squadmates, allies and close friends. We have been mercilessly hunted yet still we stand strong. Our numbers are few but we will never give up the fight. We survive  because we have one thing that the locust don’t, we have each other.

We refuse to idly stand by while our people are destroyed. I can make a difference, you can make a difference; together we WILL make a difference. Every life saved is a great big ‘Screw you!’ right to the Locust Queen’s stinkin’, ugly  face, and while there is still a breath in my body, if I can help it, in any way, I’m gonna make damned sure that bitch ain’t takin’ any more lives.

Your voice matters, people. It’s not often that we catch a break against the enemy but this time we have a choice.  The decisions you make in the coming weeks could decide the fate of one of our very own.  Will you stand by as another soul is needlessly lost to this war? I for one sure as hell know which way I’m gonna vote. Who’s with me? SAVE CARMINE!

A vote for Carmine is a vote for humanity.

360 Avatar t-shirts available 29th July and act as a vote to decide the fate of Clayton Carmine in Gears of War 3.  All proceeds go to Child’s Play, a community-based games industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children around the world.






6 responses to “A Matter Of Life And Death”

  1. Michael avatar

    Saving Private Carmine? I’m in! Poor Anthony and Benjamin 🙁

  2. Anthony avatar

    I think he should die. Blame my jet black sense of humour but I laughed my arse off when the first Carmine was sniped in GoW – I mean for a full minute.

  3. Markatansky avatar

    I’m not bothered if he lives or dies to be honest. One thing I’m adamant about is that if he survives he should be grievously injured performing some heroic feat, and if he dies it should be accomplishing a similar feat.

    Maybe there’ll but some ultimate act to stop the Locust once and for all that’ll require sacrifice? Carmine should do it.

    Let’s face it, the carmine family has lost too many members already and it’s high time they had someone bring back their family honour.

    Or you know, something like that.

  4. Joanne avatar

    Carmine to die! He just has to.

    I do agree though it should be heroic.

  5. Laura avatar

    Maybe he’ll be spared, maybe he won’t. One thing’s for sure, this Carmine looks like he’s gonna be much tougher to kill – http://tinyurl.com/336bvn5

  6. Simon avatar

    He has to die.

    Running jokes are more important than whether or not someone dies.

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