Category: 2010
Walkin’ in a Digitally Downloadable Wonderland
In the age of the digitally downloadable game, the space between Christmas and New Year has me joyfully feasting on a variety of offensively affordable sale items. I feel like a goddamned King perusing Steam from the comfort of a throne constructed entirely of pressed saffron and panda semen, slathering my face with baby foreskin…
A World Of Keflings
A World of Keflings gives you the chance to live out your fantasies of stomping around like a benevolent Gulliver in Lilliput. A follow-up to 2008’s A Kingdom for Keflings, the game sees your avatar in a miniature world, farming resources in order to embark on a series of building projects. To this end, helpful…
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
The first Red Orchestra (Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45) sprung up from the fertile grounds of the PC modding community. Using the various engines available to them, a group of dedicated enthusiasts wrangled with code to create their own World War II shooter. The team went on to win $50,000 in the Make Something Unreal contest…
I Only Have Eyes For Ni no Kuni
I’m an old fashioned girl at heart. I try to move with the times, or should I say try to at least be aware of the times. I know which films are in the cinema and a little about some of the latest music. I also know about the latest developments and trends in gaming.…
Learning About Robots
Modern day schooling has a lot to answer for, mostly in the teaching of our beloved children. In all fairness, it does a great job of educating our children, faced with such adversity from the PC brigade and the general behaviour of some of the little darlings that have to be taught. Being a parent of…
Gaming With Crimbo Trimmings
By the time this blog has made its way onto your screen, I’m sure we will have all unwrapped our pressies, got our ugly Christmas jumper on will be tucking into mince pies. Christmas is of course about religion, Crimbo TV and spending time with family but more importantly, it’s about the presents! And the best…
Now, if the first thing that popped into your head when reading the title of my blog was about how your feet feel when you’re sat wearing thermal socks in front of the fire, you have a world of bloody, spike pit ridden gaming to catch-up on. What should have popped into your head was the image of Dan Forden’s head randomly appearing in…
A Mayor’s Guide To Video Game Christmas
Well hello there! Many festive greetings to you, and all that, err, other seasonal malarkey! I hope you are all enjoying that time of the year that brings us bad Christmas street lights, overspending on and eating far too much food! Not that you would ever notice that on me! For I am comparable…
A Gaming Christmas
The land is blanketed in snow foot-thick In the hearth, a fire does roar And gamers dream of gaming dreams Of brave new worlds to explore For on Christmas Eve, this time of year New games, new gifts, new toys Are gathered for all the special kids For all good girls and boys A list…
Bejeweled 3
Recently the mainstream media has been “covering” an ongoing debate as to whether or not videogames are addictive. The debate struggles for legitimacy for several reasons, key among which is the fact that clearly many videogames very much are addictive and so they bloody well should be. Much of the time it is, essentially, the…