So many of you will know this feeling all too well. It’s perhaps 1am, or later, you know have to be up at sensible o’clock for work, uni or the school run. Your eyes are heavy, your voice is starting to crack and the Haribo are long gone, so you obviously do the right thing, carry on gaming.
Mmmmm Haribo
If you, like me, are this way, don’t feel bad. We refuse to let the night die. We are the hangers on, the stragglers. Never saying no to just one more turn. “Oh go on then” we say, “Another quick match”, or “I’ll make this my last mission”, the desire to get to the next checkpoint or level up your character one more time is strong, but once it’s done there will be sleep. Yep! Definitely sleep… probably… maybe.
Feel silly in the mornings when you have to peel yourself out of bed yes, curse yourself with eyes half closed and bleary whilst staggering to the bathroom just before stubbing your toe on the door frame, (then curse the door frame) but don’t feel bad, feel good. We squeeze as much enjoyment as possible out of our few precious hours of free time, we don’t waste one moment on unnecessary rest, it’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.
Sleep is so very, very inconvenient though isn’t it?! I often wonder what my gamerscore would be like if I didn’t have to sleep. I’d totally be beating Lorna’s score that’s for sure, I’d have completed Left 4 Dead on Expert ages ago and my Halo 3 kills would be more than double what they are now.
Having a teeny tiny baby ‘n’ all I suppose I should be popping off to the land of nod much much earlier than I do. I regularly find myself to be the last woman standing, the sole survivor of the plague of tiredness. Some of you will have experienced my annoying Welshiness whingeing at you “Nooooo don’t quit, don’t leave me” but not me calling you a lightweight when you leave, oh no, cause I wait til you leave, HA! I’m clever like that 😉
Soooo Sleeeeeepy
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