Happy Birthday to Me!

So today is my birthday. Before you ask, yes I’m older than you and no I won’t tell you how old I am.

As I can never be sure what I’ll get in the way of presents for my birthday, I always make sure to get myself that one extra special thing that I super mega really really want. Now some of you may remember me writing about my little console family back in August. It feels like it’s been an eternity since I wrote that post, but it’s finally happened.

My family is complete.

Of course to compound the assualt on my bank account, there is a Zavvi going out of business right next door to work too. So within about 3 days of buying the PSP I have a mini library of games already accumulating. I tell ya, 25% off sales are evil!

I love my sleek shiny piece of wonderful Sony technology. I still love my DS, but this is a new piece of joy with new games to play. Speaking of which, no games can now escape my little gaming addiction. I can play all of them! All of them I tell you! All of them!







22 responses to “Happy Birthday to Me!”

  1. Tony avatar

    I have Loco Roco 2, not played it yet though (haven’t finished playing Loco Roco 1 yet)

    Weirdly this appears to be one of those oh-so-rare titles that Europe gets before the US, as this quote from yesterdays US Playstation blog shows:

    “This week marks the beginning of a LocoRoco celebration! With LocoRoco 2 hitting PSP’s in just a matter of a weeks,”

  2. Donna avatar

    I noticed that also. Was rather surprised to see we got it first. It’s not even a UK developer either. It’s a brilliant game though. It never fails to put me in a good mood when I play it.

  3. Michael avatar

    Happy birthday Donna. I wouldn’t have asked your age anyway.

  4. Emily avatar

    Happy birthday!

    The Zavvi sale up here is useless. I went in the other day and spotted Tomb Raider Underworld for £44.99. I think I said “Ya what?!” out loud.

  5. Donna avatar

    Emily, they still have the full prics on them, not the sale prices. Still, £45 seems a bit overboard for a standard version of the game.

  6. Kirsten avatar

    So what age are you, Donna? :p

  7. Duncan Aird avatar
    Duncan Aird

    All we will ever know is pre-Commodore…

    Oh, and LocoRoco will always be king of the PSP. Always. 🙂

  8. Lorna avatar

    Happy birthday you 🙂

  9. Darach avatar

    Happy Birthday darlin’!
    May you have many more but never age a day. 😉

  10. Ben avatar

    First off: Happy Birthday

    Secondly: You’ve reminded me just how much I want a PSP *sad badger face*

  11. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Happy Birthday Donna. You might be a year older but remember you are still YOUNGER than me.

    Enjoy the PSP and plenty of games. 🙂

  12. shaun mc avatar
    shaun mc

    Happy Birthday Donna-Chan!

  13. Scott avatar

    Happy (slightly belated, now) Birthday, Donna! That’s certainly an excellent spread of PSP games there. If you’re into RPGs, I would also recommend Final Fantasy Tactics, despite some minor porting issues.

  14. Donna avatar

    I have FF Tactics on the DS. So no need to play a port.

    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It has been a good day.

  15. Duncan Aird avatar
    Duncan Aird

    Oh, and I totally forgot, hope you have an awesome Birthday. 🙂

  16. Rob avatar

    Happy birthday!! I’ll follow suit on monday :p crisis core is awesome have fun playing it 😀

  17. City avatar

    Happy birthday Donna, and Yay on the PSP
    Even though you already had my yays! I shall yay again for the PSP is an amazing little thing, even more so when you can remote into your ps3 (i just love that, so much).
    Now that the families complete its now all just about getting the perfect games eh? =)

  18. Scott avatar

    @ Donna: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the PSP is a port of the original PSX Final Fantasy Tactics, a completely different and arguably far superior game to either Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 1 or 2.

  19. Dan avatar

    Aye, go for FF Tactics A2 over the PSP one.

  20. Scott avatar

    @ Dan: To be fair, I haven’t played through all of FF Tactics Advance 2. How’d you rate it? Shaz certainly recommends it. There are issues with War of the Lions, mainly because of that blasted spell animation delay, but I can’t say enough good things about the original PSX FF Tactics.

    I had some major problems with FF Tactics Advance 1. Still an addictive game (which is always a plus for a portable), but I felt the depth of its story and gameplay just couldn’t match its predecessor. Again, I am slightly bias, though! 😉

  21. Scott avatar

    @ Dan, Donna: Actually, I may have mis-interpreted Donna’s first post there. I wasn’t sure if she knew that the PSP FF Tactics is a different game from the DS FF Tactics. Apologies if so!

    I’m just going to shut up now and actually get some sleep. 😉

  22. Donna avatar

    I know it’s is a seperate game, but I have the Tactics games on the DS so don’t think I’ll bother with the PSP port.

    Tactics A2 is kick ass. Everyone should play it who has a DS. And if they don’t have a DS then they should buy one to play it.

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