Tag: Update

  • GTA Online Title Update

    The latest automatic title update for GTA Online is now available for PS3 and Xbox 360. As promised, this update addresses the remaining issues where some people’s vehicles or vehicle modifications were disappearing due to a cloud save failure, as well as all the other fixes mentioned below: -Fixes numerous issues that were causing vehicle…

  • Super Adventure Box Returns in Massive Guild Wars 2 Update

    Super Adventure Box first appeared back in April as ArenaNet’s homage to 8 and 16-bit gaming. It featured an all-new platforming-based instance, complete with bosses, collectibles, RPG-style items and limited lives. Tonight’s return of Super Adventure Box sees the instance expanded to two Worlds, rife with new challenges (including a “tribulation” mode) and new skins…

  • Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut May Hit PC

    The title popped up on Steam’s Greenlight database on Tuesday evening, joined by a blog post from publisher Rising Star Games: “We’re excited about the idea of bringing you an enhanced version of the already-improved Director’s Cut, but to do that – as with any Greenlight project – we need your help. So, if you…

  • Xbox preview update rolls out, obliterates Microsoft points

    It seems Xbox Live’s future is strikingly similar to its present. This preview update, as far as we know, only really changes how currency works on the Xbox Live marketplace. Microsoft points have finally bit the dust and actual local currency is now king, but we’re seeing reports in the comments of Major Nelson’s blog…

  • Microsoft to Remove $40k Game Patch Fee on Xbox 360

    The news was confirmed by multiple development sources speaking to Eurogamer this morning. Previously, Microsoft would charge an initial fee for certification of Xbox Live Arcade titles, and then – in most cases – would allow a single free title update to fix bugs first discovered when a game is introduced to a larger user-base.…

  • Nintendo 3DS update brings new Streetpass features

    On Thursday Nintendo released an update for Nintendo 3DS that will add new features to the system. Nintendo 3DS owners can now change the expression of their Mii character when they meet another user’s Mii in StreetPass, additional updates to StreetPass Mii Plaza are now made without requiring an update to the overall system. Four…

  • Minecraft receiving next Title Update on the 9th of April

    This title update for the immensely popular Minecraft XBLA Edition comes with a bucket load of changes, additions and improvements like the ability to “finish” the game by adding ‘The End’, and even some new behaviours for the Enderdragon that PC gaming types won’t have seen before. There’s also been improvements in the speed of…