Tag: Halo Reach

  • Games of the Generation – Part 2: The Intense

    As a tactile, multi-sensory media, videogames are very good at getting under your skin. Whether it’s the sensory assault of Bayonetta, the twitch reflexes of shooters like Battlefield 3 or just the fact that the universe is about to be annihilated by Reapers, the most bombastic games grip you with a vice like intensity. And…

  • The 12 Games of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me; free DLC for Battlefield 3. On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me; two psycho loons; and free DLC for Battlefield 3. On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me; three red lights; two psycho…

  • Not The Face!

    I’m not the best person with shooters; basically I suck when it comes to them. I can handle Halo Reach and playing it online can be fun but the Halo series doesn’t appeal to me and it never has. I’ve tried many times to see what all the fuss is about but I get bored pretty quickly with…

  • See You Online

    Most games are now supporting online multiplayer, but is it getting out of hand? In this day and age of wi-fi and internet highways not everyone is connected up. Some may not be able to afford internet access or live with parents/grandparents who have not accepted this witchcraft technology. My home has only been connected…

  • The Price You Pay

    Let me ask you a question: how much is a game worth? How much should you pay to play something that excites you, that engages you; that takes you out of your gaming location of choice (or your daily commute) and transports you into a digital realm of new possibilities? Back in my beloved uni…

  • My World

    I play a lot of games. You probably play a lot of games too. They’re awesome, ain’t they? Now more so than ever; they just keep getting better. They keep surprising us, making us think, challenging us and sometimes shocking us. We never know what good devs are gonna come up with next. What surprises…

  • Beta Squad

    United Nations Space Command Priority Transmission 755RU-WPG Encryption Code: Red Public Key: file/XBL/Gold From: Laura – 161/Spartan-III/Rank: Commander To: Office of Naval Intelligence/ Codename: Bungie Subject: Test Complete Classification: RESTRICTED /Start file/ As instructed, for the past two weeks, my team and I have relentlessly fought upon the new training grounds. Hour after hour, on…