Category: 2009

  • Hyperballoid HD

    Picture the scene. You’ve got a supercollider containing one atom of the classic game Arkanoid, and one atom of the newest “classic” game on the block, Peggle. Using science beyond your comprehension probably involving magnets, and despite the warnings from a scientist somewhere that you could unravel the very fabric of time and space itself,…

  • Gamers In Need

    Please put down what you’re doing and take just three minutes of your life to listen to this appeal. At this time of year it is all too easy to forget the suffering of others. You may be busy shopping, planning parties, enjoying the company of family, decorating your home or even indulging in all…

  • Ready Up 2009 Game Awards

    We’ve almost reached the end of another fantastic year for gaming and with 2010 just around the corner it’s time for the Ready Up 2009 Game Awards! Perhaps you’ve rather enjoyed traversing the dark corridors of the Arkham Asylum, adventuring with Nathan Drake, vaulting around Venice as Ezio or perhaps shooting up a storm with…

  • Danger Is His… Surname?

    At the end of October, when the weather was warm enough that you could walk across a courtyard outside the Royal Armouries in a t-shirt and still have some feeling left in both arms, I took a trip to the Eurogamer Expo in Leeds. Amongst the bells and whistles of the latest flashy titles like…

  • Planet 51

    ‘Join the Space Race!’ It’s a pleasant day on Planet 51 and sensible, young lad, Lem has his antennae focused on two things. His new job and a date with the girl next door, Neera. All does not go to plan and Lem finds his normal life turned upside down when a human space craft…

  • Puzzlegeddon

    Puzzlegeddon.  First it’s ‘puzzle’-ing, soon it’ll be ‘geddon’ on your nerves. Well… this is probably the first time I’ve played a game, then actually had to play the tutorial to understand the game.  This game is very deceiving! It looks all sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside… evil.  A little like thinking you’re eating…

  • Pt FTW

    I have just done something which made me very pleased. In fact, I was so pleased I broke out the Alan Partridge-isms. I got through “Cashback!” “Spiceworld!” and “Jurassic Park!” in a matter of seconds. What had made me so happy was that I had finally achieved my first PS3 Platinum Trophy, which is to say…

  • Disposable Gaming

    After Zoey chatted about game completion I signed up for TrueAchievements, as you do when a writer who you enjoy reading recommends something. Something genuinely shocked me upon doing so, namely that my completion rate is under 50% for games. 48.2% to be precise about it. This is not entirely pleasant for two reasons. Firstly,…

  • Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea

    There seems to be a group of developers out there who are trying too hard to make catch-all games.  These are games that are deliberately easy, where minimal effort is required to get to the goal, to complete the title and to grab those achievements. Back in the day, (yes, I just dropped that line)…

  • Merry Christmas from Ready Up

    It’s Ready Up’s third Christmas and we have been given the greatest present any website could wish for – a dedicated community of enthusiastic, intelligent and articulate gamers. They’ve become more than just our most avid readers. Between the staff, forumers and regular site visitors we’ve become a family. Although we may not spend Christmas…