Back in the day, (yes, I just dropped that line) I would play a game no matter how frustrating it was. If I liked it I would play it for hours, days, weeks, until I managed to complete it. This stubborn, bullish attitude had its limits though; sometimes I found a game I just didn’t like.
These days there are so many appealing titles out there but there will always be games that I just don’t like. They don’t attract me enough to play them or they do and I just get bored of them. Whatever the reason this is a human limitation. I accept that I won’t enjoy every aspect of every game that’s put on a console in front of me. Much like vegetables when I was young, I’m not going to like everything that’s served up to me.
And is there anything wrong with not liking a type of game? Everyone has a preference and tastes vary, that’s why there are so many different genres. Some people enjoy being challenged and some people like to build up to it gradually. I believe that if you try to make things easier to bring people into a new type of game then they’re either going to be quickly disheartened when they try other titles or quickly bored when they try yours. Taking away the challenge defeats the purpose for me and it can give a skewed impression of a genre to a new player; an easy completion will never persuade someone that isn’t interested to pick up your title.
In summary: Hi, I’m Walter. I don’t like olives, but it’s cool that they exist. All of the easy open jars on the market aren’t going to make me change my mind.

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