Category: 2009

  • James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game

    There’s one thing I LOVE about James Cameron’s Avatar, and that’s the concept. Now that the initial flood is out of the way and we got Christmas over with I’m putting aside an afternoon to go and indulge myself in the movie because, from the bits I’ve seen, it looks fantastic! But I’m here today…

  • A Mayors Guide to Video Game Winter

    Well hello there! It’s me again, the Mayor of ‘Isle Delphino’, I hope you are all well! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m that rather striking and handsome thing in Super Mario Sunshine with the cuddly exterior and vegetable like appearance. As I have only really been a sideline character for many years,…

  • Alien Breed Evolution – Episode 1

    Space is a vacuum. Xbox Live Arcade is a vacuum itself, somewhat empty of quality, polished titles. We’re told that nature abhors a vacuum. If that’s the case, then nature fricking loves this. Alien Breed has been found, floating in the depths of space, and brought back to life for your enjoyment. It’s a lot…

  • ‘Tis the Season…

    Apparently I’m a nightmare to buy gifts for. There are a number of reasons for this but principally I’m sure it’s because I don’t really wait for anything. If I see something which takes my fancy I simply buy it and there it is, done. “Why didn’t you tell me, I’d have got it for…

  • I Still Come Back To You

    Something strange is happening to me, I can feel it. I’m changing… maybe. For all I know I was already this way and it’s more of an awakening than a transformation. I’ve been fighting it for a long time. I’ve never been one to follow a crowd, to be drawn to what’s popular. I resist…

  • Ready to Brand Yourself a Gamer for Life?

    At this point in time it’s reached a stage where many of us supposed “older gamers” can happily say they have gamed all their life and have no intention of stopping… ever… even when we’re 70 (by which point I assume holodecks will exist for home use and achievement points will give you shiny gold…

  • Everyone’s Favourite Christmas Game…

    Everyone’s Favourite Christmas Game is… uhm… without a doubt… urh… you’re going to have to help me out here! It’s not exactly a genre bursting with games, is it? Outside of the gaming sphere, Christmas is represented with tonnes of films, songs and TV specials. We all have those favourite yuletide traditions of slumping down…

  • A Thoroughly Modern Christmas

    Excerpts from the diary of Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson. December 18 10:04 Tis the season to be jolly! We’re stuck here for the holiday season, but I’m feeling optimistic. Christmas spirit knows no boundaries and Santa can travel anywhere after all! Everybody’s pretty quiet about it, but I think secretly they’re just as excited as…

  • A Ready-Up Christmas Poem

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through Ready-Up! house not a joypad was stirring, not even a mouse. The M 14’s were hung by the chimney with care, in hope that Captain Price soon would be there. Kat, Loz and Laura were all snuggled up in bed, as visions of zombie slaying danced in their…

  • The Ready-Up Rambo Relay

    I want to share a dream. A dream first dreamt by three mildly drunk gamers on an eventful day in history: February 21st, 2009. It was the evening portion of the first Ready-Up gathering of the year and three men stood around a darts board, among a mass of fellow Ready-Up members, reflecting on a…