Listing Life Dangerously – The Five Hottest Games On Demand Deals

Money has been tight recently at Ready Up Towers, ever since Susan accidentally over-ordered on wool and our halls are now filled with fwuffy woollen creatures that are just so damn fwuffy that it makes us all constantly cry tears of fwuffy joy. That’s causing a lot of damp, which has led to subsidence. As such, Ready Up Towers now slope at 45 degrees. Michael and Johnny went off to the Nether to get some lava and some Zombie Pigmen to help whilst the rest of us just do kickflips and grinding and other word stuff off of the new angles and ramps created. It’s pleasingly edgy and street, but sadly we’re spending all our money on decks and beanies.

Happily though, I recently decoded the navigation structure of the Xbox 360 Dashboard and found a hidden section. Games On Demand, they call it. Using it, you can apparently download Xbox 360 games, and some HD remakes of older games that developers burped out for the fun of it, direct to your hard drive. The key benefit of Games On Demand is that you don’t have to get up off of your sofa/emerge from your Jacuzzi/climb down from your Utahraptor mount to change game disks when you get bored of Tony and Anthony running you over in their APC in Battlefield 3 and want to play Halo 3: ODST instead because it’s just as fun, and Battlefield is stupid anyway, and there’s wool in your eyes and also some wool stuck in your throat because you got hungry and ate all of the wool apart from the wool that is still in your eyes. Wool.

So, I’m passing the savings on to you, our seedy clientele, because I’m a pretty neat guy once you get to know me. Here are the best five bargains I could find.

5. Call of Duty: Black Ops – £44.99

Call of Duty: Bargain Ops, more like.

This game has only been out 20 months, and the price on Games On Demand has gone down a massive £5 from the original RRP. That’s an astonishing saving – for only a little more than the price of a new game, you could have this old game. What are you waiting for? Go and buy this so that you can be cool again, like when you done all them drugs and you had to remove and eat part of your brain because it turned into a small pear.

4. Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge – £39.99

Jonah Lomu Rubgy Value Orgy, more like.

Like rugby? Like money? Well, now you can finally have both. A massive saving of £0 could be yours if you buy Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge from Games On Demand, and are comfortable with what that decision will tell people about you.

3. Mortal Kombat – £44.99

Mortal Klearance Sale, more like.

Fallen over in the shower in the last 30 minutes and can’t remember your name? Suffered an untreated serious head injury by some other means? Then this could be the deal for you. Mortal Kombat is available for £20 new from most retailers these days, so that means that Games On Demand could save you negative £24.99 right now, if you can hold the spongy, functional parts of your brain inside your smashed cranium long enough to click the “Purchase” button.

2. Dirt 2 – £24.99

Dirt 2-for-1, more like. But not.

Some people enjoy playing racing games from 2009. Some people like dangling their genitalia in a blender whilst playing bongos they’ve placed next to the blender switch. Which are you? The latter is the level of crazy we’re talking if you don’t bite Games On Demand’s hand off at this deal. Some mugs would buy this in any high street games store for £5-10 second-hand, but mark my words, the old saying applies: Check their groins and you’ll find shredded bits. Check their hands and you’ll see bongo dust a-glistenin’.

1. FIFA 12 – £49.99

For Incredible Football-gaming-related Acquisitions 12, more like.

Wait a second. £49.99 is considerably more than the game was when it came out 10 months ago. This is the one Games On Demand deal that I’m not sure about. The rest are airtight.

You can follow Simon (@MrCuddleswick) on Twitter here and also slowly by car if you want.

Last time on Star Trek: Listing Life Dangerously we learned all about the four most common causes of Max Payne death…







7 responses to “Listing Life Dangerously – The Five Hottest Games On Demand Deals”

  1. John avatar

    Who actually buys the stuff off there?

  2. Mark P avatar

    I bought Rock Band 3 off there the other week. £15 didn’t seem so bad for a game that’s so incredibly hard to come by for around the same price.

  3. kearnel avatar

    LMAO i came here expecting actual cheap games but this is way better, they need to take a leaf out of steams book when it comes to savings

  4. KingOfArcadia avatar

    I’ve picked up a few off Games in Demand. I recently got Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for $5 during a 75% off sale. I’ve also picked up Bioshock and Prototype using leftover MS points from birthdays / holidays.

  5. Wes Copeland avatar
    Wes Copeland

    Guessing you haven’t seen Ninja Gaiden 2?

  6. Dean avatar

    Do i note a hint of sarcasm? That wasn’t me being serious incidentally… just sarcastic. But does being sarcastic about sarcasm negate it or enhance it? Either way this was very funny.

  7. Conners avatar

    Those old sayings are the best!

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