My Absent Ocarina Of Time

I watched a pre-rendered trailer for Deus Ex Human Revolution not long ago. It looked good. But the thing is, I know, however good it turns out to be, that it won’t even touch the original. This made me pretty sad, because I never actually played the original.

When you miss the release of a landmark title like Deus Ex, you can’t expect to take from it the experience it became synonymous with when you do finally play it. Things change; a masterpiece is only a masterpiece within a certain context and throughout a certain time period. Were I to play the original now – something I have considered doing a few times – I would find the visuals lacklustre and the controls clunky, not to mention the tirelessly-replicated gameplay. It would be a chore just to play it.

Deus Ex
The aged beauty

I want to be there for the greats. I want to ‘get’ them, to understand what the fuss is all about, the way I did when Super Mario World, Silent Hill 2 and BioShock were released. I’ve tried visiting old games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time being my most recent exhibition. After feeling so excited to finally play this revered game, I felt heartbroken that it bored me to tears. I simply found it too crude.

I was also jaded by the videogame behemoth that is Half Life 2. Oh how I wanted this game to thrill me, how I wanted it to make me Mesa my pants with excitement. But instead I found myself plodding on out of commitment rather than concern.

Ico was one of the very few classics I played where I managed to take something significant away from the experience. Nonetheless, the game still managed to bore me somewhat.

With its beautiful overworld and then-novel focus on character interdependence, Ico is hard to ignore
With its beautiful overworld and then-novel focus on character interdependence, Ico is hard to ignore

Now, before I get reprimanded by a whole bunch of Ico fans, I’ll reiterate that in no way do I view these games to be lacklustre, crude or boring, rather I know that I am unable to truly tap into the greatness that they bear. Their effects have been eroded over time. It’s like experimenting with marijuana after becoming accustomed to ecstasy. (You don’t want to know the analogies I rejected.)

For now, though, I continue to work my way through these games, even if, by the time I get to them they exhume more grate than great.







7 responses to “My Absent Ocarina Of Time”

  1. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    It’s unfortunate that some of the classic games no long hold that magical appeal that other gamers recall, although I’m sure there are games that you have played and remember fondly that I have not experienced too. At least, you’re giving those classics a go.

  2. Darach avatar

    I tried a bit of Goldeneye (easily one of my Top 5 games ever) at the Game On exhibition at the Barbican a couple of years ago.
    And what did I think while revisiting this giant of videogames past?
    “It’s unplayable!”, “How did anyone ever use a single stick control system?!”, “OMG, look at how murky it all is!”, “Why is his head square?!!”.
    I guess some things are just best left in the time to which they belong.

  3. Kat avatar

    It’s like going back to 80s cartoons where they suddenly seem grainy and… crap.

    Mesa your pants? Filthy girl!

  4. Celeste avatar

    Really need to sort my images out. Way too big.

    And yes, Graphics Whore and Filthy Girl unite! 😀

  5. Kat avatar

    We should make a comic ;D

  6. Colin Young avatar
    Colin Young

    ‘Mesa my pants’ 🙂 I enjoyed it but not that much!

    From a design point of view HF2 Ep1 is amazing. One of the best achievements I have ever got was the ‘The One Free Bullet’ from that game.

    The thought behind designing a shooting game that can be done with only one bullet is brilliant. That is worth doing if you’re going back in time.

  7. Michael avatar

    “a masterpiece is only a masterpiece within a certain context and throughout a certain time period”

    Not a Tetris fan then?

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