During these 24 hours, what will I actually miss? Today should be Gears of War 2 night for those of us who lurk on the Ready Up forum so I’ll be unable to consistently let down my Wingman. I’ll miss stalking my friends list on Xbox.com, seeing who’s online, what they’re playing and debating on whether or not to harass them with messages. I’ll pine for their wonderful voices and our intellectual party chat conversations. By “intellectual” I mean trash talking and innuendo followed by a few minutes of…
“I think you’re breaking up”
“What? I can’t hear you properly, you seem to be breaking up”
“Say again. You’re breaking up”
…on an endless loop.
So I guess I’ll have to resort to single player, like the old days, or see if my Playstation 2 is still talking to me after I dumped it so swiftly upon purchasing the Xbox 360. Perhaps I’ll watch one of these deeveedee things I hear so much about or try to cultivate a new addiction. A likely contender is Plants Vs Zombies on my PC as the demo alone kept me occupied for an indecent amount of time.

Thankfully the Microsoft Overlords are not shutting down the entire internet. I know with your support online we can make it through this difficult time together and today will soon be a fading memory.
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