The fat lady has sung…

Yes folks, the Ready Up World Record Attempt is complete.
Team Ready Up have successfully completed the 24 Burnout Marathon and were met with a massive round of applause on completion.

Everyone has made it through the challenge in one piece… and, possibly spurred on by Martin’s perkiness, everyone is suddenly full of beans with massive grins on their faces. Photos of the event will follow shortly!

It’s been a very long 24 hours, but it’s also been an incredible amount of fun. We’ll probably all say never again, but really, you should never say never!

We’d like to say thanks to everyone involved in this weekend’s superb fun. The staff at Esc have been absolutely amazing and I, personally, must give a massive thank you to Shaft for keeping me entertained through the wee small hours with almost every funny video ever posted on the internet ever.

Karolina and Gaz from Guinness have been excellent, and very entertaining to boot – whether it’s Karolina’s taste in music (and awesome singing skills) or Gaz’s love of Street Fighter, they’ve both been great to spend time with over this 24 hour period.

And you guys – the ones who got to play in the games, and the ones who have come down to support us at the event. You are all absolute legends. Ready Up is totally about community – and you have managed to embody that for us over the weekend, with your support and goodwill messages. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without you all (and no-one would be reading this either!) so a massive, massive thank you from everyone here.

At Ready Up, we play games – but we couldn’t do it without you!







10 responses to “The fat lady has sung…”

  1. Laura avatar

    Well done everyone you rock! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Jonny/IV DemonJ avatar
    Jonny/IV DemonJ

    A huge congratulations to everyone at the event, you are all stars and will no-doubt become celebrities from this event! Well done again you deserve it!

  3. Mark avatar

    Well done everyone, excellent work!

  4. John.B avatar

    Congrats guys! Virtual high fives all round.

  5. Denis avatar

    Woo! Well done! Glad you guys all had fun. Grats all round.

    So… when’s the next one… ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. ZeroMark avatar

    Woot, well done guys!

  7. Eleanor avatar

    Good job team ready up ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Lorna avatar

    Great stuff and congrats…it must have been a truly shredding experience…get some well deserved sleep. The support team were doing a fantastic job, so congrats to them too, superb stuff.

    Was great to watch and more so meeting everyone else who went along. Rook, Tiq, Van – you’re wonderful…and that Jake bloke was pretty nice too ;))

  9. Jason avatar

    Pics or it dident happen!

  10. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Pics are coming, but sleep will be first.

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