
That’s right! After my frankly rather depressing post last month about how I was going to have to lose one of my consoles, it seems the lady luck of gaming has smiled on me and my machines are safe for the foreseeable future.

I have a job!

That’s right, it may be minimum wage and in retail, but I have been terrifically lucky and landed myself a job I’m really enjoying working with some really lovely people at my local CEX. I’m bumping into all the old customers who I used to serve when I had my year at Gamestation and I’m spending my days surrounded by cheap games and tech (In fact, I have my eye on an Eee PC already!).

My consoles are breathing a sigh of relief.

My Xbox 360 has stopped threatening me that it’ll red ring itself, my Playstation 3 has promised to update it’s software faster, my Nintendo DS has finally decided to let me download the statistics for my book collection and the Wii… well, actually, that got traded in.

Ok, so I wasn’t totally casualty free, but hopefully when finances are a bit less tight, and Mad World comes out, the Wii and I will be reunited. Third time lucky maybe?

Anyway, for the most part, I’ve saved my machines and my gaming sanity.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to write my “I’m sorry I almost traded you in” cards to my machines and remind them how much I love them.

my pride and joy!







8 responses to “Saved!”

  1. GamerGeekGirl avatar

    Grats! 😀

  2. MrCuddleswick avatar

    Good news!

  3. Lorna avatar

    Great news 🙂

  4. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Brilliant news Alex. I’m glad you didn’t have to sacrifice all the consoles. Game on and keep smiling.

  5. James avatar

    What a result! Hardware-hugs all round.

  6. John avatar

    Huzzah! Well done on escaping (almost) unscathed!

  7. shaunmcilroy avatar

    congratulations!!!! 😀

  8. Alex avatar

    Thank you everyone! I’m so glad my babies are safe.
    Day off today, so I think once all my chores are done, I’ll be making the most of them!

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