Delicious (games) Library

Last week I became a little obsessed with a piece of Mac software named Delicious Library 2. I bought the older version a couple of years ago but noticed that a newer version was available so I decided it was time to update my copy.

Now I’m not sure how many games people keep in their collection with the frugal behaviour required today but I’ve never sold a single one of mine. This obviously means I have an increasingly large collection of games and as my offline and online social circle merge, I’m swapping more of my games with friends.

How do these two facts link? Well, the software allows me to scan the barcodes on my games and it automatically downloads the cover art and details. This information is added to my library of games and allows me to “lend out” games to people in my contacts list. Currently I’ve lent a friend from work Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in return for Assassin’s Creed:

There are plenty of good pieces of peripheral software out there for gaming and also good examples of people using software in ways that improve their gaming experience. I’ve recently started twittering and I’ve been looking for a way of my Mac automatically updating my feed with what games I’m currently playing. It makes me wonder what other good peripheral gaming software is out there…







5 responses to “Delicious (games) Library”

  1. Kapil avatar

    The product “Raptr” does the job you mention in the last paragraph. It’ll update on what you’re playing.

  2. Fireclown avatar

    Can’t say that I sell any of my older games or ones that I really kinda regret buying. It’s all part of knowing whats good, or not for that matter and reminding me not to make mistakes again. Never works like that though. ;p

    Twitter is a great way of keeping in touch with a lot of friends and in touch with what all those famous people, like you guys. *GRINS*

  3. Lordstar avatar

    everything is better with pictures 😉

  4. Anthony avatar

    Especially when you remember not to use a format that only Mac Safari users can see :).

    Kapil – thanks for the heads up, I’ll check it out. For those interested – @foxus.

  5. Zohair avatar

    For the archiving of books and all I use MediaMan (Windows version of Delicious Library).

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