Love/Hate Relationship

I’m not the only person who willingly flung myself aboard the hype train for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, lapping up videos and screenshots with huge excitement and anticipation. I (hope I’m) not the only person who frequented the official web site, who spent significant time thinking about what race, gender, class, and colour eyes I was going to sink hundreds of hours and plenty of subscription fees into (just a snippet of the important decisions one faces in life these days).

Unfortunately, before I got my hands on a copy, a number of things went wrong. Firstly, my pre-order vanished into thin air. I checked my local delivery office, nothing there, and the site I ordered from claimed to have delivered it, and had indeed taken my money (incidentally, I only recently received an email asking if I want my money back). I’d missed out on an exclusive Rhino mount and a cape that would give me an XP boost, so I was slightly cheesed off.

Although highly acclaimed by critics, Age of Conan was poorly received by many gamers due to a plethora of bugs and technical issues. You don’t have to look far to find many people still complaining about these kind of problems in-game today, and people are still describing their hellish experiences from launch, back in May 2008.

Once I’d acquired Age of Conan before Christmas, spent the best part of a day installing it, updating drivers, and deciding what hairstyle to give my character, I felt as though I must be playing a different game to all the ‘haters’. On my journey to level 66, I’d fallen through bits of scenery, sat on an invisible horse and been thrown straight through a wall by a monkey, but other than that, everything was fine and dandy – a blissful experience in a beautiful, detailed and expansive game environment.

Recently, I said to a friend that I would “see him online in 5 minutes”, as I opted to start a new character. But this was not to be.

The game loaded, and I tried to log in to get my character list about 10 times, but for some reason my correct password was wrong. The game then froze and I restarted my PC, fired up Age of Conan, and was still unable to log in. I was advised to try my password with a capital letter at the start, and what a suprise, this didn’t work either. Neither did changing my password. Neither did changing anything to do with my router. Finally, I disabled my anti-virus protection, and hallelujah! About 40 minutes later I LOGGED IN!

After that palaver I set about making my Barbarian, but the game decided to freeze and re-load everything on screen every three seconds. This was unbearable, so I quit the game and started again. I re-installed drivers for my graphics card, as I was recommended to. Losing my temper at a rapid rate, Age of Conan was still running about as smoothly as a brick being thrown along a cobbled path. I left the game for a good hour or so and occupied myself by thinking of amusing analogies to describe how well the game was not working.

I logged in again, I made my Barbarian and affectionately named him “Smeghead”. I watched him get washed up on the tropical beaches of Tortage, I watched random polygons infinitly extrude themselves from his beard, I watched the scenery turn bright red, pink and green, and general graphical craziness. I was set upon by a group of invisible crocodiles who distracted me by making my screen rapidly flicker black – I presumed this was an attempt to give me a seizure so that they could devour the defenceless Smeghead (I would show you a screenshot, but I don’t want to be responsible for any epileptic fits).

Since then, the game has worked sporadically. I’m awaiting the arrival of a new graphics card, the servers will be merged to ensure more than 7 players are online, and I am enjoying this crap so much I’ve got a 60 day time card. I think perhaps this proves my love for Age of Conan does indeed outweigh the hate, but god damn – I never thought I would work this hard just to try and play a flipping game.







7 responses to “Love/Hate Relationship”

  1.  avatar

    yeah they rused to get conan out becuase they ran out of cash and needed the cash from subscriptions to finish stuff off. I hear its a great MMO exprience and it will seems its not going anywhere too fast.

    Yeah when online shopping goes wrong it goes to heck and fast. I am sure you will agree its a very teeny tiny ammount of the time.

  2. City avatar

    I didnt get into the hype of this game, but I totally appriciate the whole sentiment of this blog..

    Playing older games on a Vista machine when Vista first came out… hardly anything worked without significant effort and tweaking.. nVidia had let everyone down by not having any decent vista ready drivers and then 2008 generally proved to be a year for rushed games and silly bugs that would have been picked up if only there had been some ACTUAL testing…


  3. Emily avatar

    Oh yeah, this game seems to be even more hellish for people using Vista. Going by AoC’s technical forums, if you’re using Vista there’s a whole new world of bugs and problems to enjoy, as well as the good old ones I’ve had with XP.

    After writing this post, one night playing AoC everyone on our new (merged) server lost all their inventory items and most of the men lost their clothes. Hyboria suddenly became nudist.

  4. Ben avatar

    Age of Conan is one of those games that I really can’t see lasting too long before it fades into the abyss that is the MMO world.

    They just seemed to want to try and do too much in too little time, over promised and just basically didn’t have the structure in place, it’s like Planetside all over again.

    I fear the same thing will happen now with Warhammer if the rumours are to believed that EA are cutting jobs at Mythic.

    Still, they say a 360 version of Conan is still scheduled to be released….

  5. Emily avatar

    I do wonder how they’ll manage to work with a joypad instead of a keyboard…

  6. Andy Turner avatar
    Andy Turner

    I feel your pain with pc’s giving you really helpful advice to reinstall everything…type your password in swahili backwards, then if that fails try binary…and just generally write off any other plans you had for that afternoon / weekend / lifetime.

    At least its a bonus when it actually offers a suggestion you can do as opposed to “Error 48940” which might as well say “Go to university and major in computer error codes for 5 years then you might have a shot at this.”….or better still computers should just give up lying to us and say “Error : Look I’m just not going to work…go and do something else…I mean it’s 8 O’clock now I bet there’s something on the Telly.”

    Kudos for having all that patience though I gave up on PC gaming a few years back when I saw the system requirements for half life 2…so I switched to consoles full time…luckily I manage to retain a hold on the finest PC only games by the virtue of some friends who love their PC gaming…expenditure and heartache for them…going to visit and playing games for me HUZZAH.

  7. shaunmcilroy avatar

    Nice read! Part of me wishes World of Warcraft was not so popular so you would have maybe double the amount of people online to play with (a WHOLE 14!)

    I wonder how many people would buy XBL Gold and then pay a monthly fee just to play a game that MIGHT be populated in the future 🙁

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