Oh Christmas stash, oh Christmas stash, how patiently you wait for me,
Oh Christmas stash, oh Christmas stash, how shiny in your wrapping,
I rip you open on Christmas day, now it is time for me to play,
Oh Christmas stash, oh Christmas stash, finally it’s mine at last.
This year my Christmas stash contained a lot of DVDs. It was great to unwrap the complete set of Black Adder and the final Sex and the City seasons to finish my collection… but who cares about that when I also got games! There were three games that I really wanted this year: Tomb Raider Underworld, Prince of Persia, and Professor Layton and the Curious Village. I did one better than that, so Christmas was a success!
Now to make it even better I have finally joined the world of clear gaming. A world where I can actually find relics by looking, not just by running blindly into every dark corner. A world where I can read on screen text and understand the underlying plot. A world where I would not just give up on Dead Rising. Yes you have guessed it I have finally gone over to HD. As of yesterday’s shopping spree my giant tube telly sits quietly in the corner and in its place there is a beautiful new Sony Bravia.
Glint-y super shine.
The worlds seem to have come together in a karmic gamer moment for me. I went away for Christmas and on my return I discovered that the shop just over the road had a Sony sale on, the weather became too cold to possibly consider leaving the flat and I am still on holiday leave from work. So I seized this opportunity to spend the whole day gaming. I am now flying through Tomb Raider (racking up gamer points that no-one can see as my Xbox Live has run out and I am too poor to renew it) and I discovered that at 23.30 following a whole day of Tomb Raider I have the brain of a 60 year old. Oops. Maybe I should leave the house today if only to wake my brain up a bit.
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