Soul Calibur IV, released last summer, is one of the prettiest beat ’em ups to ever grace our screens. Featuring a load of familiar faces, a few new ones and a choice. Good or evil, light or dark, which are you? Well I suppose it wasn’t really a choice, buy the 360 version and you get to play as Yoda, buy the PS3 version and you get to play as Darth Vader. Soul Calibur isn’t really one of those games that justify buying a whole console to play it on so unless you have both (you spoilt brat!) you just get what it says on the tin.
So it may come as no surprise, (especially if you looked through the data on the game discs and discovered the character data for both Darth Vader and Yoda in each version), a few months later, that due to huge fan response the lightsaber wielding archnemesis will soon be available for download from October 23rd for 400 MS points from Xbox LIVE or $4.99 from PSN.
If you find yourself compelled to pay to unlock content that is already on the game it may leave you slightly miffed, but care you should not, the fate of the galaxy could soon be in your hands.
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