Tag: nintendo ds

  • Pixelhunter – 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors

    Susan delves into a chilling point-and-click, visual novel horror game for the DS.

  • Devil Survivor 2 European Release Needs Fan Support

    The European localisation is to be handled by publisher Ghostlight, who announced the news in a blog post earlier today. If 1800 copies are pre-ordered by the 30th of August, Ghostlight will publish the game this September. If not, all pre-order money will be refunded to supporters. Those who back the scheme will also receive…


    As I type this I’m currently in an eBay war trying desperately to buy the Phoenix Wright games at a decent price. Why I ever parted with the first game I will never know. I have a bad habit of parting with rare games and then want them back further down the line. In the past I’ve…

  • Are Game Guides Worthwhile?

    Recently I have been absolutely hammering Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies and I have to say there’s loads that I like about this game like the graphics, storyline, levelling structure and more. I have managed to play the game for about 95 hours now but only since my 40th hour did I…

  • Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

    It’s slightly unnerving to wave a Nintendo DS around the fruit ‘n’ veg section in Tesco’s at ten o’clock at night.  Apart from sending out a public invitation for robbery, I was shopping for dinner, courtesy of Cooking Guide: Can’t Decide What To Eat?  Determined to get you into the kitchen (and, in my case, away…