Tag: next gen

  • PlayStation 4 is UK’s fastest selling console in history

    Sony’s PlayStation 4 has only been out since Friday 29th November and sale numbers show that it has sold over 250K units in its first weekend – that’s 100K more units than the Xbox One a week before in the same amount of time. MCV estimates that the PS4 has sold £87m in that 48 hours…

  • Xbox One launch game install size leaked online

    A very small number of North American consumers – in the region of 150 – have received the Xbox One the pre-ordered from American retailer Target two weeks early due to a shipping error and out of the lucky bunch, Twitter user Moonlightswami – mentioned in earlier news – had a lot to share about…

  • Xbox One and Playstation 4 unboxing videos released

    Two unboxing videos of the next generation consoles have emerge over the weekend; one is official, the other, not so much. Lucky Twitter user Moonlightswami received his Xbox One, fourteen days before its release day as American retailer Target shipped it early due to a system error. The very happy new Xbox One owner took…

  • Infinity Ward comments on the resolution of Call Of Duty: Ghosts

    As Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Ghosts will be available on next-gen consoles as well as current ones, it’s picking up a lot of pre-launch attention as a good comparison between what the Xbox One and the PS4 will be capable of. Last week an executive producer tweeted the resolutions that each version would run…

  • New Deus-Ex Title in Development for Next-Gen

    Eidos Montreal have today laid out their plans for the future of the Deus Ex franchise, or as they like to call it Deus Ex: Universe. Yes, a trademark filed a while back that sounded like it might have been a new game was in fact for a mass-media extravaganza. Or so Eidos hopes. I’m…

  • No external storage for Xbox One

    Back in May, when the Xbox One was unveiled to the world, Microsoft explained that consumers would be able to use the console’s USB 3.0 port for external storage and to use it for game installations and storing downloads. It now has emerged that this feature won’t be available to the console at launch. In…

  • Tomb Raider Sequel Confirmed for Next-Gen

    The news was confirmed in a news post earlier today on the official Tomb Raider Tumblr page, and later referenced in a Square Enix blog posting from American and European CEO Phil Rogers. Despite strong review scores and approximately 3.4 million units sold in the first four weeks of release, the Tomb Raider re-boot failed to…

  • The Next Generation Xbox to be revealed tonight

    Months of speculation and wild unfettered rumours lead up to this, the night when Microsoft finally tell us all about their next console. Will it be always online?  Does it block used games?  Will you need to hold on to your 360 to continue playing the games of the current gen?  All will be revealed…