Tag: Blog
The Quest for Progress
Thom experiences feelings
TRIVIALITY! Is Mortal Kombat X a Worthy Sequel?
Does Mortal Kombat X snap spines with the best of them? Is it a worthy sequel to MK9? Philip takes a look at the latest battle to defend Earth Realm.
Re-View: Saints Row
Philip looks at one of his favourite timeless plots: Saints Row!
Bored? Game! – King of New York
Let’s have some fun with colorful kaijus in ‘King of New York’! It’s got a wonderful design, but does the game live up to the potential of its pretext?
Yet Another MMO Log: WildStar
Because “Scott tries out Furry-FireFly-World of Warcraft-Crossing” is too long for a blog title.
Re-View: Dark Seed
Philip delves into a game consistently in the top ten scariest experiences.
Re-View: Oddworld – Abe’s Oddyssee
Philip looks back on playing the original Abe’s Oddysee before its upcoming remake.
Re-View: Age of Empires II: HD Edition
Philip looks back at Age of Empires II to see whether it has stood the test of time.
DayZ Alpha Sells 700,000+ Copies in December
Although the Christmas Day update on the official DayZ development blog only cites 400,000 sales, these represent the first week on Steam alone. Recent survivor statistics on dayzgame.com reveal that the game has sold over 700,000 copies, priced at £20 each. By my calculations (and admittedly, I have the poorest maths skills of any computer…
Ultra Street Fighter IV Release Information Revealed
Regarding the tentative release dates, Capcom explained that it wanted players to be prepared in time for the Evolution 2014 tournament: “Next up is the release date information for Ultra Street Fighter IV. Right now, we are hard at work to bring the game to all of our fans as soon as possible, and want…