Author: Walter

  • GA: Gaming Anonymous

    It happens more often than I’ve realised. I go through this phase where for no real reason I can put my finger on I become completely disenfranchised with a game. That spreads to gaming and then pretty soon I’ve sold my PC, consoles, peripherals and games and I’m sitting thinking, yeah man, I should have…

  • A Casual Revolution

    So, I’m sitting on this plane, flying from Glasgow to Austria, surrounded by people whose faces are lit up by small electronic devices, mostly Nintendo DS/DSIs, some PSPs and the occasional iPhone, all quite happily playing away to pass the time until we land in Salzburg. It got me thinking about a comment I made…

  • Let’s Get Streaming!

    Have you ever tried to describe to friends an experience that you have had in a game, something that even though you are doing your best to get across the intricacies of what happened in enough detail for them to understand, you know they aren’t going to get it and someone will inevitably mutter the…

  • Fallen Earth

    Fallen Earth is an MMO with first-person shooter elements and ties in good parts from games like Tribes, Stalker, Fallout and is set in a wasteland, not so dissimilar to that of Borderlands (or Mad Max). Set in the year 2156, some big corporation has ruined the world for everyone and you follow the story of…

  • Call of Zork: Bad Ops

    So on the launch day of Call Of Duty: Black Ops while you were all sitting at home levelling up, I was playing Zork, and loving it, why? I’ll tell you. I had this whole blog written about the cost of PC gaming over console gaming and why it’s totally worth it for the visuals…

  • EA Sports MMA

    EA MMA by the EA Sports team is the second MMA game to have been released this year. A statement which I thought I’d never have been saying, pretty much ever. Although MMA is growing as a sport, MMA sports games are still a very niche market. Now that there are two games available for…

  • Ch.. Ch.. Ch.. Changes

    Following my recent gaming movement into the world of co-op only games, I have been continuing to play World of Warcraft and I’ve been working through a lot of the changes that have been made in the recent pre-expansion patch. If you remember back to when I was talking about getting the gear, you had…

  • One Is Good, Two Is Better, Four Is Best

    Co-op gaming, it seems is my favourite gaming type, regardless of the genre of the game. I can be sitting playing on the Xbox 360, sitting in a party of friends, having a laugh, then it happens, I’ll get a message from someone, “Markatansky wants to play Splinter Cell: Conviction” or “Haggis The Lord wants…

  • Life Begins At 80!

    So, you’ve been playing World of Warcraft.  You’ve succesfully managed to quest and grind your way up to the game’s current level limit of 80. Congratulations are in order, but in reality you’ve only just started the game. It’s okay though, I’m going to guide you through what the next steps are to help you…

  • The Desperately Lonely Life Of A Video Game Character

    It can’t be up to much, dating as a video game protagonist. You are always involved in some sort of all absorbing story, dominating your time, taking over your life and then even when you finally manage to sort out what the problem/drama/threat is, you are most likely chucked back into it again a year…