Sony’s much touted ‘Share’ button on the PlayStation 4 controller may be more limited than originally expected, as game developers will have the option to “disable” the function during certain parts of their games at their own discretion.
Sony Worldwide Studios president, Shuhei Yoshida, in a recent interview with Japanese website 4Gamer (and translated by Edge) stated: “There will be parts of a game that the maker does not want people to be able to see,” he said. “For example, on Vita, developers can in certain scenes disable the feature that lets users take a screenshot, and (the Share function) will have a similar mechanism. The creator may not want to make video of the final boss sharable, for instance.”
First hand experience with the Vita has shown that developers do utilise this option, with it not even being possible to take a screenshot of the menu of WipEout 2048 on the PlayStation Vita. It would seem that there may still be a market for third party game capture and HD-PVR devices going into the next generation.
(Source: EDGE.)
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