There has been a good deal of concern over the new direction Capcom’s reboot of Devil May Cry has taken but with the mighty Ninja Theory at the helm I’ve found it hard to worry too much. The short hands on I got at GamesCom earlier in the year left me aching to play more and having just finished playing through the first half of the preview build of the game I’m happy to say that my faith in Ninja Theory has not been misplaced.
Yes, the story is new and both Dante and Virgil look different but this is, without a doubt, a Devil May Cry game except, dare I say it, better. The completely revamped combat system that is essential to the series manages to feel natural and intuitive while still being packed with depth for those that wish to master it. Instant weapon switching combined with the Devil Pull and Angel Lift abilities opens up the opportunity for seemingly endless combos.
There is a huge amount to like about DmC and I’ve yet to find a single thing I dislike, the humor may not be to some tastes but I found certain part of the game utterly hilarious. Dante’s new look and attitude are a perfect fit for the new setting with his only failing being the occasional ‘mis-quip’ but these are quickly countered with some genuinely smart smart-arsery.
Short version, I love it and can’t wait for more and all I have left to do is ask your forgiveness for my lack of skills in this gameplay video running you through the Virility mission that leads up to the Secret Ingredient boss fight you may have played in the demo.
DmC Devil May Cry is released in the UK on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on January 15th 2013 and on PC on the 25th.
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