Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken

Viva la revolution, my aviation friendly shoot-em up lovers. Make way for Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, the snazzy action-packed treat brought to you by Ratloop Asia.

Following its triple nomination at 2010 Independent Games Festival , Rocketbirds gets a revamp of new game modes, chapters and visuals as it’s let loose onto the PSN.

Rocketbirds follows Hardboiled Chicken, who’s a bit like Arnie in chicken form, on his action-packed, cinematic adventure to take down the evil regime dominating Albatropolis, which is lead by a totalitarian penguin Putzki. Please try not to be fooled and assume this game would be easy because these animals are normally associated with Easter and cuteness. The title already states the game is hardboiled and I can confirm it certainly has its moments. These birds kick ass using a flurry of weapons including machine guns and jet packs to stop Hardboiled as his makes his way through 15 battle hardened levels filled with blood and bullets.

You also get to experience a new story with 10 levels when playing co-op mode. Here you can play as one of the six budgie commandos on a rescue mission to save the general’s daughter. This co-op bonanza can be played with your amigos both on and offline, so fun all round.

The gameplay is simple, with the basic aim, shoot and much needed ‘jump’, which seems to be disappearing from games in recent times. Once you have assigned actions to keys or plugged in your control pad, its time to start splattering your enemies across the walls and floor. You do find that much of your time is dedicated to preserving your health and bullet supply, adding to the difficulty of the game.

The graphics are crisp and the soundtrack, provided by New World Revolution, makes Rocketbirds: Hardoiled Chicken an enjoyable game.  I did wrinkle my nose at the £6.99  Steam price tag (£7.99 on PSN), but put it down to the different story used for co-op, the cinematic cut scenes and additional 3D feature (awesome). Whilst I did enjoy the game as it gave me levels which can be challenging but not in a “I’ll destroy my laptop if I don’t finish this level” sort of way, I’m still in two minds to whether the game is worth that much.

I’d say if your not waiting to buy anything particular, your gaming selection is looking a little stale fancy and you fancy a punt then Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken could be the answer.







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