As inFAMOUS 2’s protagonist, Cole, you’re charged (pun definitely intended here) with ridding the world of an entity called “The Beast”. Doing this means training yourself up and collecting enough power and control to activate a device which will drain The Beast’s powers. The objects through which you gain this power are called Blast Cores and you need to find six in total. You’ve got some help along the way in the shape of your trusty side-kick Zeke and your agency handler Kuo who herself… actually, no, you can find that little nugget out yourself when you play through!

Maybe I don’t have the Lore in place because I didn’t play the first inFAMOUS but I didn’t really understand the monster side of things at all, sure there needs to be something with a little more gravitas than a bunch of hicks toting machine guns and bazookas but I did feel a little nonplussed when the ground started to shake and up popped a Hive-Master.

There is an element in inFAMOUS 2 which I’ve not seen, or at least don’t recall seeing, in any other game of this type, though, and that’s the user generated content appearing in the campaign mode of the game. Side missions appear on the map as yellow exclamation points, user generated missions appear as green exclamation points. How these missions are chosen and incorporated into the game I’m not sure but they are a nice addition and provide a little variety to the game-space.

Some tips now:

  1. Stay clear of water. As an electrically charged person water does not work for you, fall in and you’ll pretty much fry yourself.
  2. Collect as many Blast Shards as you possibly can. These increase your charge storage and let you fight for longer.
  3. Try out all of the different attack types you learn. I’m of the mind that the newest isn’t necessarily the best for all occasions.
  4. Use the tramlines to zip around. If for no other reason other than it’s really cool!

inFAMOUS 2 is built on the Unreal engine as it seems is every other game at the moment and it’s not the best use of the engine I’ve seen or used (Corrected, as pointed out the games does not use the Unreal engine) The game engine is not the best I’ve some across,  but it’s taken me longer than the Ready Up editors would have liked to get this review done… I can’t stop playing it! It might be the completionist in me, it might be that I really want to get Cole up to the top of that magic Blue Bar as a total hero (This is one of those where you can choose the ‘good’ of ‘evil’ paths and score accordingly). I want to do all of the side missions, I want to heal the poor people lying at the side of the road, I want to… well I think you get the drift here.

The building traversal isn’t as polished as Assassins Creed: Brotherhood and the overall controls felt a little clumsy but once I’d shifted down a gear and adopted the jump-then-move style it seemed to want it worked pretty well.







8 responses to “inFAMOUS 2”

  1. Thedaz3000 avatar

    Built on the Unreal Engine???? Are you serious man I mean c’mon you are joking right? If not I suggest you do some research before you state “facts” like that. You are actually insulting alot of hard working people at sucker punch who took the time to create an engine that utilizes the architecture of the PS3. Also why not do some research on the first installment if the game instead of saying you are not sure how this or that fits in with the story , you need not play through infamous1 but you cod have at least found out off YouTube or elsewhere how it actually ended. I think your review was fair in terms of gameplay and the like just needed some research/proof reading from another source to make it more professional.

  2. John avatar

    Thedaz3000 – Thanks for the note.. I’ll be honest I was pretty positive that I’d read during my prep for going through the game that it used Unreal.. of course it doesn’t and there was no slight at all intended to the fine folks at Sucker Punch. As you’ll see, I’ve updated the content.
    With regards the story and the arc, in this I must speak as I find. as a gamer when I pick up a title I play it, I don’t read all about what might or might not have happened before. Perhaps I’m a lazy gamer (!) but if there is relevant information, I expect it to come through in the game I’ve bought, not in research I have to do. In the game I got and played I didn’t understand the monsters so that’s what I reported in my review.
    Thank you though, for your feedback. I’ll make sure that at least my ‘facts’ are right in future.

  3. Tony avatar

    John has a point. I’m playing inFamous 2 right now, and even I am thinking that if I hadn’t played the first one I’d be a bit confused. I think you’d enjoy it if you hadn’t played the first one but you’d enjoy it a lot more if you had.

  4. Thedaz3000 avatar

    Fair point guys I understand what you are saying there and yes for first timers to the series there should have been more of a recap if the previous game to avoid this. I am also nit saying your review was poor by any means I hope you didn’t get that impression just that when I saw the statement about the unreal engine I guess I was keen to jump to sucker punches defense. I appreciate you responding to my post in a fair manner even though my hastily written words came across as somewhat bitter and you have my apologies if you thought I was attacking you and your work ethic.

  5. Thedaz3000 avatar

    Sorry for my spelling and wrong words (if instead of “of”) the iPhone touch buttons are pretty small and i often hit wrong keys maybe I should be proofreading more myself too 🙂 lol

  6. John avatar

    Thanks Thedaz3000, it’s great that you actually care about this stuff! It’s fantastic that we have a community which is involved and invested in their games and in the dvelopers of those games. No offense was taken, please rest assured of that… plus it’s great to be checked every now and again, it keep us honest! J.

  7. TimG13 avatar

    Asked for this for my birthday (not too long now). I have played the first one, but memory’s a bit fuzzy. I’ll have to read the plot on the internet to give it a refresh by the sound of it.

    It’s a shame I won’t be able to take part in the UGC, because my stupid broadband refuses to connect to PSN. Am I really missing out on much here though?

  8. John avatar

    TimG13 – I’ve sort of avoided the UGC for now.. too stuck into the storyline. The ones I’ve had a look at are things like point-to-point ring races and that kind of thing. Good practice for traversing the buildings etc. I’ll have to give it a go. You’ll enjoy the game though, especially at you unlock more powers!

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