Buzz! Junior: Monster Rumble

Buzz! Junior: Monster Rumble is a collection of games designed to be played with the Buzz quiz controllers. Previously a PlayStation 2 game it is now downloadable from the PSN and it’s been nicely spruced up with 720p graphics. It has a wide variety of mini games to play with up to 4 players.

Name: Max

Age: 7

Did you enjoy playing Buzz! Junior: Monster Rumble?

Max: Yes it was good fun.

Did you dislike anything about this game?

Max: It was very hard to play with the PlayStation controllers, it was better when we got the buzz controllers.

Did you have a favourite character?

Max: Yeah, I liked the green monster best.

What was the best bit about the game?

Max: The game in the graveyard where you have to hit zombies.

What was the worst bit about the game?

Max: Playing with the PlayStation controllers it was really hard to know what button to press.

How much fun was this game?

Max: It was good fun when we all played together.

Parent’s comments: Max and I enjoyed playing this together, in all honesty it’s just a bunch of crazy games but they kept him well entertained.







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