In With The Old, Out With The New

I never understood the thought process amongst gamers who utter the phrase: “I miss the old school age of gaming.” My main gripe being that this somehow implies that the games which we were born and raised on have somehow all been committed to a huge landfill in the middle of a desert (award yourself one nerd point if you got that reference).

These games still exist, and we are free to enjoy them at any given second when the urge befalls us, there’s no doubt in my mind that eBay would be a lesser company were it not for my spontaneous 3am bidding frenzies for Moonwalker on the Megadrive. I have held onto my original collection of PlayStation 1 games and consoles since I first got them 11 years ago, and I adore them no end even to this day. XBLA is a terrific substitute for my retro fix, but if I ever have an urge to pick up and play some Croc or Lemmings, it’s a mere controller swap away.

I do however agree with those nay-sayers who complain about cherished childhood games being tarnished by being subjected to newer, supposedly “improved” gameplay elements and plots. Crash Bandicoot is having a mid-life crisis with tattoos and riding mutants, Spyro appears to have settled down and got married, and (while continuing to hold my favourite gaming franchise of all time trophy) I have seen nary a single giant ant in Command & Conquer since 1999! It’s a travesty I say.

Command & Conquer 4 needs MOAR GIANT ANTS!
Command & Conquer 4 needs MOAR GIANT ANTS!

Yet in the next week I will at some point be confronted with a situation while waiting in a queue in Gamestation or in threads across gaming forums worldwide: “I remember *insert a game title which was released before the release of the SEGA Dreamcast*, I wish they would release it onto Xbox Live/PSN/Virtual Console.” Why must we wait? As gamers we demand instant satisfaction! Forget the lack of achievements or desire to finally full pack out that 120GB HDD, invade the attic for that old SNES you know you still have somewhere, and get D-padding!

I admit I’m always one of the first to snap up classics when they are revived and appear on the next gen consoles (I’m looking at you, DOOM & Wolfenstein!), but my classic jewel cases remain proudly displayed amongst my many, many, MANY gaming dedicated shelves – who knows when you’re going to Red Ring!

I am a firm believer in my newly created charity, the RSPRC, and I think many of my Ready Up brethren will agree with and support the cause. The Royal Society for the Protection of Retro Consoles hereby decrees that if you have played games which were made in the 90’s (or prior to them), then they ,and myself have some love for you.

As I grew, so did my console collection.
As I grew, so did my console collection.







21 responses to “In With The Old, Out With The New”

  1. Kat avatar

    Aww wook at the wickle Dunky-Wunky ^_^

    I had to sell my SNES due the cold hard realities of bill paying 🙁

    Fab first blog! Welcome to RU stranger ;D

  2. MrCuddleswick avatar

    Aaaaw look at the the pictures!

    You’re right, you’re right – I dust off the Mega Drive to play Toejam and Earl at least once a year. The N64 gets brought out (actually we have two, best to have a spare in case bats have made a nest inside one) far more often – Goldeneye, Lylat Wars, Mario Kart, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are all just not the same without that beautiful 64 controller.

  3. Darach avatar

    I remember ToeJam & Earl, I wish they would release it onto Xbox Live/PSN/Virtual Console. Why must we wait?

    Oh, It’s coming?! 😀 Yay!

    Also, cool blog Dunkan. My own hard-drive is groaning at the sides under the weight of all the XBLA retro titles I have on there. I just wish MicroSoft would hurry up and send me that Data Migration Kit so I can fill up an even bigger hard-drive! ^_^

    🙂 Anyone for Joust? 🙂
    Anyone? 🙂

  4. MrCuddleswick avatar

    Joust! Yes! I’m pants though, and I’ll be a lead weight.

    Toejam and Earl is coming out on XBLA?! Don’t mess with me Darach, don’t give me false hope.

    It’s available on the Nintendo Virtual Console, but, well, I want achievements –

    10G You were killed whilst dancing the hula with a lady.

    40G You killed a shark with a tomato.

  5. Kat avatar

    I’ve never played Joust but I have points sitting and doing nothing so I’ll try demo 🙂

    I’m afraid I’m awaiting Bubble Bobble on XBL Dunk, even tho I could prob still play it on PC.

    Cuddles I read last night Toejame and Earl is coming to XBL at some point 🙂

  6. Jonny Harris avatar
    Jonny Harris

    I am still playing on Gameboy to this day and see no reason not to, thing is bloody amazing. Thing that I feel was not discussed is all the classic games that are being released for ipod touch/iPhone.

    I must have spent 4 hours playing bejeweled on my ipod touch this week. Something that I know you are bad at, Duncan!

  7. MrCuddleswick avatar

    I just found that out minutes ago, before I read your comment. See the forum for a trademark incoherent Cuddleswick diatribe.

  8. John.B avatar

    There’s something about the original hardware, an indefinable part of the experience.

    *hugs Amiga Commodore*

  9. MrCuddleswick avatar

    *Ahem* Spectrum!

  10. Duncan avatar

    I tried to hide the truth, but Jonny is right… I do really suck at Bejeweled. 🙁

    And ToeJam & Earl is definitely one of SEGA’s greatest classics. Though I still put Terminator on the SEGA CD as probably my favourite, just for the soundtrack!

  11. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    I still have my collection of Commodore 64 games, (floppy discs and cassettes) and a collection of cassettes that came with magazines.

    When I bought my PS3, I got it before the backwards compatible stock was gone and have only played one PS2 game on it, but at least I have the option.

    Can’t really say welcome as you’ve been here a while. So well done on becoming a writer for the friendliest website EVER.

    Go DunK.

  12. James avatar

    All that dusty old plastic, those oversized cartridges, those disobedient tapes…

    *brushes tear from cheek and joins John and Amiga for 3-way hug*

    Nice one Dunk, good to have you with us. 🙂

  13. Celeste avatar

    I love many classics and still tinker with the snes now and then. But I guess I don’t play them as much as I should. Hell, I’m trying to make time for the new releases, not sure I can afford to backtrack.

    Nice heartfelt post there Duncan. Welcome. 🙂

  14. Footballers Fall Over avatar
    Footballers Fall Over

    Found an old N64 magazine today in the loft: Turok £57.99 , Mario 64 £49.99.. in 1997. And do you know it was money well spent. Mario 64 is a better game than many, many titles on the so called superior consoles. Mariokart on the SNES is still one of the best arcade racers ever made. The reason why there are so many cartridges on ebay? Because unlike CDs and DVDs they can withstand a nuclear holocaust.

    Great blog.

  15. Sarah-Lou avatar

    I’ve got so all the Nintendo consoles and still think that the classic games are truly the best! I truly have a soft spot for all reto and rare games and I love collecting them!

    Wicked first blog!

  16. Lorna avatar

    Great first blog. I love when stuff comes out the LIVE as my biggest problem is laziness. Though now that I have moved house and can spew my retro consoles over my office, I really honestly have no real excuse nto to play them as it was originally intended!

  17. Duncan avatar

    Thanks for all the positive comments guys ‘n’ girls!

    Glad my first blog went down so well. 😀

  18. Zoey avatar

    90’s consoles?! wow, welcome to RU, you youngen!

  19. Monty Myint avatar

    I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already Oczko Cheers!

  20. Faba avatar

    Really good post. Really thank you! GodJOb.

  21. rsdnation avatar

    Effn’ Great story once again. I am looking forward for more updates;)

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