Halfway to Paradise

Oranges all round,folks. It’s 10pm, which means that everything from here is the home straight. We’re halfway through Ready Up’s Burnout Challenge, and we’re still rocking and rolling – helped along, in no small way, by a fresh delivery of Irn Bru.

So, we’re twelve hours in and it’s starting to take it’s toll. Since the last update, members of the support team have been caught staring catatonically at the screens watching the game unfold and I have to say that, apart from her thumbs, I don’t think I’ve seen Fran move for a very long time. Her resolve and game face have to been seen to be believed. She is literally a mask of concentration. Either that or she’s painted eyes onto her eyelids and has been asleep since mid-afternoon.

Kirsten, a Gaming World Record veteran, is showing the most signs of flagging but she’s hanging in there. During a recent break, I managed to grab a quick word and she said that she seemed to remember feeling exactly the same when the Rainbow 6 Vegas challenge took place.

I know we’ve had a lot of comments relating to how easy this challenge is, prior to the event, but when you actually watch the guys play under the strict Guiness guidelines (for every hour of play you accrue 10 minutes of breaktime) it’s a lot harder than you think. Not only are you playing the game, but you’re also thinking about when to take your break time, bearing in mind that any unforseen technical failures (dropped connections and the like) are taken out of the break time as well you always have to have some in reserve.

So the night is drawing in, it’s dark outside and Esc is gradually emptying as the regular gamers head home leaving our guys to fight on through the night, smashing and crashing and toppling challenge after challenge.

See you at midnight!







7 responses to “Halfway to Paradise”

  1. John.B avatar

    Keep going guys! Irn Bru can revive a man from death so it’ll see you lot home 😀

  2. Jason avatar

    Keep going guys those challenges are killer , especially if you are trying to do them with a eight year old at one of the helms :s

  3. Jake avatar

    We retired Max mid afternoon, he just came down to join in for a little bit 🙂

  4. Tiq avatar

    Keep up the good work, guys and gals. We’re with you in spirit. =p

  5. The Rook avatar
    The Rook

    Turns out Shaz has Tiq’s Burnout, so we will not be able to join you over Live for racing. I’m sure some of the fellow Ready Uppers will be able to keep you all company through the night.

    Pass on our wishes of Good Luck for the night time play, I know this is when it’s gonna get tougher as it’s usually sleeping time. We have faith in the dedicated six. And we will see you in the morning for the wrap up.

  6. Lorna avatar

    Yep, will see you in the morning and hopefully I’ll be able to get online for a game later once I’ve finally finished DLing the patches!

  7. Denis avatar

    Want an eight player for those Challenges? Get Dan to invite Quaid Rayn! I’m up for some Burning and laughs!

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