And we’re off!

The team at the start of the attempt
The team at the start of the attempt

Welcome to the first of many posts over the next 24 hours charting the progress of Ready Up’s Guinness World Record attempt!

The attempt has literally just started and will run until 10am tomorrow morning. Everyone is looking fresh faced and are completing challenges as I type. At the moment Dan, Kirsten, Fran, Martin, Shaz and Simon are attempting to jump through the hoops in the airfield and they’re almost there!

If you would like to join the team at any point in the next 24 hours, add one of them to your friends list – all the details you need are here.

We’ll check back in with you later to let you all know how they’re all getting on…







6 responses to “And we’re off!”

  1. Darach avatar

    There is no limit to what a man or a woman can accomplish; only a limit to their self-belief.

    ๐Ÿ˜€ Best of luck guys, knock ’em dead, I know you can do it. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ready-Up v The World… FIGHT!

  2. John.B avatar

    I’m here with Rook, Tiq and Van wathing. Looks easy ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. Razgate avatar

    Here! what’s the weather like over there, i need to know if i should buy a jacket before i head over? ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Laura avatar

    Go on peoples pwn that record ;D

  5. Jake avatar

    Its decidedly nippy!

  6. James avatar

    Much love guys. Try not to bake you brain-boxes, we need you coherent when you return!
    Go Team Ready Up!

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