Dante may cry

It’s a pretty rare thing for me to do but one evening I found myself scuttling through the horrendous maze of the NXE Game Marketplace. Is it just me or do we have to go through even more hassle in browsing around?

Anyway along the way of adding game trailers, teasers, demos and the like to the download list, I stumbled over something interesting. Soon after downloading and watching a particular title, which first struck me because of it’s peculiar name, I’ve got to say I’m a little proud that for once I’ve found something by myself and not from word of mouth. Combine Dante (Devil May Cry) and Vanessa (P.N.03) in a pot, add a bit of sexy glamour, a slice of cheese and this makes the next exciting title from Hideki Kamiya, Bayonetta.

Holsters on heels who’d have thought of it? It’s a fast, stylish action game with plenty of demon butt-kicking and there’s just something about the charm of this fun-loving, confident Bayonetta (her name is awesome alone!) The leading lady also has ancient powers to throw over the top combat skills which adds dynamics to the game. I can imagine this is going to be a pretty awesome adrenaline experience but unfortunately there’s not much to reveal just yet in terms of story. It’s still awaiting announcement too but it is planned for 2009.

I’m wowed by her, Dante may cry but this chick is going to be the next hottest party. In the meantime here’s some tasty screen shots but seriously, you’ve got to check out the trailers!







6 responses to “Dante may cry”

  1. NorfolkNChance avatar

    This is on my hitlist, seen a preview in Edge a couple of months ago and thought “me want”.
    I could go on about the use of her long hair as her suit and how it is also used in attacks leaving more flesh on show… but then you’d think that’s the only reason I want this game…

  2. Snozzeltoff avatar

    I’ve been keeping a keen on on this game for a while on the Japanese marketplace, its going to be awesome.

    ^ as you say above “her long hair as her suit and how it is also used in attacks leaving more flesh on show” – thats just an added bonus.

    (NorfolkNChance- do you use that name on MCN? i recognise the name from a forum member on there).

  3. agentluap avatar

    I’ve been following this game since the release of the first trailer. With Devil May Cry being my favourite game series this gasme has a lot to live upto for me.

    But looking at the trailer the only thing that has me a slight worried is the inclusion of Gold rings, SEGA must know this is going to be noticed because of Sonic. Not that its any reason to spoil the game I just think they could have made a better decision.

  4. Andy Turner avatar
    Andy Turner

    I saw the trailer when it showed up on marketplace…It certainly looks bizarrely interesting to say the least.

  5. NorfolkNChance avatar

    @Snozzeltoff, I’m not on MCN, but I use it pretty much everywhere else I can 😀

  6. lordstar avatar

    I’m hot for it! nuff said

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