Care for the Community

Back in November as I’m sure you all know we saw the launch of the New Xbox Experience.  Some of us liked it, some of us hated it and we all made sure everyone knew our feelings on it.  After a while of mucking about with it I have discovered its greatest feature which seems to have had very little in the way of praise.  So here you go: the Community games are excellent. 

In the last few weeks I have been downloading loads of trial games and even buying a few that I felt were worthy of my playing.  Let me explain briefly that before the dash update the community games were known as XNA games, games where people like us could make their own games and share them online.  You had to download the XNA player programme to play the games, but now it’s as simple as downloading an arcade game.  The quality of the games do vary from ‘simplistic but fun’ (Sin Surfing) all the way up to ‘just one more go’ (Petank Party).  Best of all some of the cheapest games start at only 200 MS Points which is a bit of a bargain.

Some of us here at Ready-Up! witnessed what goes into these type of games at last year’s Edinburgh Interactive Festival and believe me, it’s a hell of a lot of work.  Indeed one of the games that I played has just been put up for download called Planet Panic. It sees you guide a planet around the screen trying to destroy your opponents in an Asteroids type manner. Amazingly lots of those games are available to download some of my favourites were Vegemee and Origamee, they really did showcase what can be achieved.

If you haven’t yet looked at the Community games, stop reading this and head on over to your Xbox 360, you really will be amazed at what you find.  Be warned though, the simple start and quick loss of life on your first try at Machiavelli’s Ascent hides the amount of hours you will put into trying to get higher, you’ll soon see what I mean.  Another thing that I have noticed is that the makers of the games are trying out new things, ever used your Chatpad to play a game?  Well you can here with Type Attacks, where you have to type in the onscreen words to be rid of them, it gives me hope for Typing Of The Dead!

It is actually good

You can see the influences of playing games on the people who make the games, some are blatant rip offs but some can also be seen as homages to some great games of yore.  It’s possible that the Community games will overtake the Live Arcade games as the most downloaded, but I really hope they don’t.  At the moment, the games are cheap and playable, they don’t promise anything fancy or modern, they are there for the pure fun of it which at its essence, is why we play games.  So support the small programmers and download some of these games, I need an opponent for Petank Party.

Yes, if you make it, you\'ll be rich







8 responses to “Care for the Community”

  1. John.B avatar

    I must admit I haven’t looked at them yet…

    no wait! That’s a lie, I downloaded the trial of the fireplace so Steff and I could have a crackling fireplace whilst we opened Christmas gifts.

  2. Emily avatar

    I admit I have never dabbled, but maybe one day!

  3. Tony avatar

    For some reason I absolutely HATE that bottom pic.

    Is that official Microsoft advertising? The guy with the dollar sign baseball cap printing his own money… Jesus.

  4. Tim avatar

    Weapon of Choice is well worth checking out. It’s a very original take on Contra, with some really mental weapons, nice though quite garish visuals and some interesting game play additions.

    There’s another game that I liked as well, but the name completly slips my mind. You play as a bouncing blob and have to bounce around painting the ground. It’s got a really nice art style and for 400 points it’s well worth the money.

  5. Michael avatar

    Tim, do you mean de Blob?

  6. James avatar

    I really recommend ‘Carneyvale Showtime’. Superb game there.
    Johnny’s Biscuit Platform Romp is fun too 🙂

  7. DUFFMAN2K9 avatar

    this is my view, basically i’m mega excited to watch community games grow into something very cool but at the moment there isn’t alot worth buying,but in the future you can bet theres going to be some awsome titles.

    the only one truly worth buying is coliseum

  8. LbV avatar

    Best example….Swords and Monsters. Truly brilliant game 😛

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