Call Of Duty: World At War

It doesn’t seem possible to read an article, review or have a conversation about Call of Duty: World at War without it being compared to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and with good reason. Infinity Wards Call Of Duty 4 is an absolute masterpiece. Both the campaign and the online multiplayer are of the highest quality and I know I’m not alone in thinking that COD4 is one of the greatest games of all time.  Treyarch have alot to live up to in their latest offering COD:WAW.

I must admit I was disappointed when I found out that COD:WAW was, like the first three Call Of Duty games, going to be set in WWII, when COD4, set in the present day against fictional but realistic terrorist threats had received such a positive response. COD:WAW focuses on the closing battles of WWII in the Pacific and Eastern Europe against Japanese soldiers as well as German.  The story is told through two campaigns following the United States and Soviet Union with the Americans battling the Japanese in the Pacific and the Russians advancing on Berlin.

The campaign begins with you taking on the role of Private Miller of the US Marine Corps and you’re not in the best of situations, captured by the Japanese you watch helplessly as in an extremely grisly scene your squad-mate is beaten and executed. As your captors turn their attention to you, rescue arrives in the form of your commanding officer Corporal Roebuck (voiced excellently by 24’s Kiefer Sutherland) and other Marine Raiders. But the Japanese aren’t going to make it easy for your troop to leave the area, as they advance upon your position you’re forced to fight your way out. The range of weapons is as pleasing in COD:WAW as in any of the previous titles, from the good old Thompson smg to the deadly Ariska Bayonet which replaces your knife when meleeing.  Whether you prefer to run and gun or stealthily hold back there’s plenty of choice for all styles of players, and every now and then, to satisfy the virtual pyromaniac in us all, the chance to play with a pretty awesome flamethrower, not one of those silly novelty types that many games usually feature either, this flamethrower feels as realistic as one would imagine a flamethrower to feel and instead of just being a bit of fun it’s a more than useful piece of weaponry.

Your mission as Private Dimitri Petrenko of the Red Army sees you following your injured commanding officer, Sergeant Reznov (voiced by the legendary Gary Oldman) through German infested streets, taking cover in a building as the enemy torch, throw grenades and spray bullets into it as if you two were the only opposition of the whole war. In true Call of Duty style paying precise attention to orders will ensure you survive the carnage, ignoring Reznov will only get you killed. As different as the Americans and Russians are so are the Japanese and Germans. The Germans seem tame and predictable when compared to the Japanese who will lay in wait in the grass and trees, only springing up as you approach and then charge at you with a blood curdling scream. As with the dogs in COD4 timing is everything. You need lightning fast reflexes to survive an encounter with an enraged Banzai solider and a strong stomach to watch what happens if you do. Yes it’s violent but it’s not like these scenes were fabricated from a dark twisted mind, some of the most disturbing images are actual footage of real people during WWII.

One thing every COD fan will need to know is if the multiplayer is any good. COD4 is one game that combines a superb campaign with a diverse multi player and COD:WAW manages to do the same. There will be COD4 loyalists who will disagree but COD:WAW’s multiplayer easily matches the quality and experience of it’s predecessor. The weapons may be older and less powerful but with things like tanks to aid you and a kill streak of 7 granting you a pack of dogs that rampage through the map for one minute it’s no less fun and there’s something very satisfying about seeing your score go up from one of your pooches making a kill while you seemingly do nothing.  Many of the perks remain the same, unfortunately the infuriating Martyrdom is one of those, but there are a few differences just to keep it historically accurate.  For those who believe certain perks to be cheating even though they are part of the game the Juggernaut perk is still available, get over it!







8 responses to “Call Of Duty: World At War”

  1. City avatar

    I liked WaW but I have found it to be really short. They did a great job with Nazi Zombies, proving yet again they could do something thats out already and do it better..

    I’m a bit annoyed about the lack of patches so far, theres only a few servers now where you seem to be able to get fair fight, otherwise its a case of emptying a clip into someone for them to just poke you in the eye and you die.

    I prefer CoD4.
    The US side to this is just utterly frustrating and well I feel nothing for my comerades, whereas the Russian side is great, you like your little dude more etc.

    Bring back Soap! =)

  2. Ben avatar

    Nice review there!

    I only got introduced to the Call of Duty games with CoD4, so I may not be classified as some hardcore CoD player, still none the less this is one game I’m looking forward to this Xmas and is going to be sat really close to the top of the pile during my 3 week holiday from Uni, which will now be my 3 week gaming binge.

    On a side note, Soap yes, but a bit more Gaz please guv’nor.

  3. thiswayup avatar

    There’s just something about killing zombies that has just made this game for me! I started playing the campaign just to get it but end up always getting me mates to start zombie mode 🙂

  4. Barry avatar

    Good review! Have really been getting into this alot recently and astounded at how well Treyarch have done taking the reigns Infinity Ward left.

    sidenote, do not leave ThisWayUp to guard a room on his own in zombie mode 😛 hehe

  5. Sam avatar

    Nice review, but COD4 is still the winner for me, i have played COD from day one i love the games over any other FPS, but i’m just not in the mood for anymore WW2 FPS games i think it has dragged on too far now, though i will say i really did enjoy COD WAW i found it a really different, unique and visually stunning, and it had some really cool things about it; but i just missed all my modern things that COD 4 gives to me like an “M16 Assault rifle”. The big downside i found with COD WAW was the maps, mixed with the different graphic textures i just couldn’t get used to it and the maps where very “Sniper” based, just too big and there are far too many glitches and hacks on some of the maps that make it just pointless to play sometimes. In my opinion i would say COD: WAW is all about NAZI ZOMBIES!!! it is just awesome fun, forget games like Left4dead get COD5 and run riot with a ray gun. Overall Treyarch made and awesome game but i think they should maybe thinking of teaming up with infinity ward and make the next modern warfare a game that will be remembered forever!!!

  6. LbV avatar

    I just finished WaW yesterday, im going to have to say i still prefer CoD4’s campaign but i’m enjoying WaWs multiplayer a lot more.

  7. danskin9962 avatar

    If you ask me Call of Duty campaigns are getting shorter and easier each time. Call of Duty 3 had more in it, I don’t know, more hardness and puzzling. I do belive, though, finishing CoD: WaW is worth it for Nazi Zombies, I hope Modern Warfare 2 is harder.

  8. Sean avatar

    Great review. I also found the game a little short, but just like COD4, it is quality, not quantity that counts for me. At first I must say that the overdone WWII thing did put me off a little. COD4 kept me engrossed from the word go, but COD:WaW took me a couple of short gaming sessions over two nights to get into.

    Once I had finished the single player campaign, I started with the online aspect, and am now really enjoying it. My only gripe is the existence of some game servers where you level up ridiculously quickly. Other than that, the sound is way better than COD4,and the dogs bring terror to the multiplayer aspect!

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