I was looking over my games shelf the other day and picked out a couple thinking ‘wow it’s a long time since I played that,, it was really good!’
This set me to thinking back to the games I used to play and play and play and play… on systems past.
My first obsession was Defender on the BBC Micro. My dad was (is) a software engineer and wrote a couple of languages for the BBC Micro so there was a ready supply of this pretty decent machine, along with the pinnacle of viewing experience at the time the Microvitec monitor! Anyway.. the games!
So my memory throws back to me:
Elite – of course! How could this not be on anyone’s list!
Chuckie Egg
Battletech – The Crescent Hawks Revenge
Tomb Raider
Arkanoid 2 – Revenge of Doh!
Running on, variously, BBC Micro, Atari ST, Amiga 500/2000, PC.
I know that if I saw these today they would seem beyond primative in my world of high-def, ultra-real physics and graphics engines. But I did love them then and they still hold a place in my heart, I may even check out eBay.. there’s got to be some working systems still out there?
But maybe that’s a bad idea. Maybe the fondness they hold is of it’s day and that time has gone. I know that re-visiting the places I used to play as a kid simply doesn’t mean now what it did back then. Perhaps, like old loves, we should look back with a wistful smile and happy thoughts and not try to re-capture those salad days.
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