Tag: EU

  • PlayStation 4 Release Date and Launch Line-up Revealed

    Gamers were treated to a massive influx of PlayStation-centric news, as Sony made a series of hardware and software announcements concerning the PS4, PS3 and PlayStation Vita. Those who have already pre-ordered Sony’s latest console will be pleased to hear that it launches here on 29th November (at the previously-announced price of £349), only two…

  • Devil Survivor 2 European Release Needs Fan Support

    The European localisation is to be handled by publisher Ghostlight, who announced the news in a blog post earlier today. If 1800 copies are pre-ordered by the 30th of August, Ghostlight will publish the game this September. If not, all pre-order money will be refunded to supporters. Those who back the scheme will also receive…

  • Delayed Release

    So on February 10th Professor Layton and the Curious Village was due out in all of its glory in both the US and the UK. It was in all the shops bright and early in the US, but I think someone forgot to send the boxes to the UK. For not a single shop had…