Tag: collecting

  • The Beginner’s Guide To Video Game Collecting: Where To Buy

    After years of building his own collection, Sean provides some advice on how to start building your own video game collection.

  • Do ALL The Things!

    How important is it for you to reach 100% completion on a game? I don’t just mean playing until the credits roll, I’m talking about RPGs and epic sandboxes that give you a nice little statistics page, where you can view how many of what you’ve completed/collected and a percentage of how much you’ve done.…

  • Asking For Too Much?

    It recently occurred to me that I was purchasing a lot of Special/Collector Edition games as of late, and as most of you will know they can cost a fairly large amount of money. It was only after seeing the Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition on an online website for only £17.95 that I stopped…