Back in a simpler place and time know as late 1980’s land and even spreading into early 90’s world the video game tie-in wasn’t something to fear as it is now, instead it was a celebrated childhood defining experience and I say it’s about time we bring back the king of tie-ins, the side scrolling beat ’em up genre!
One of my fondest childhood games I still play at least a couple of times a month with my like-minded friend is the 1989 NES port of Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles coin-op (or Ninja for non Euro peeps), even though I have an arcade perfect port available we still plump for the inferior graphics of NES version for maximum nostalgia.
The gameplay is simple, one attack button one jump button carving your way through waves of foot soldiers before getting to confront one of the boss men such as Be-bop or Rocksteady before eventually working your way up to Shredder himself.
Instantly understandable and despite its simplicity damn good fun, the formula wasn’t a lucky one-off either as franchises like Aliens, X-men and even The Simpsons got a turn, a franchise that doesn’t lend itself to the genre but is still a quality game.
Although most of these games were made by Konami or Capcom one would think the simplistic design of the genre would be easily replicated today and much like Street Fighter has reverted to a 2-D playing field to become relevant again, the side scrolling beat em’ up could make a similar comeback.
A few brave companies have tried in more recent years, Wayforward released Double Dragon Neon in 2011 to a mixed reaction, while Ubisoft had a stab with Scott Pilgram vs the World in 2012 complete with a retro style presentation. While both games had their flaws they both proved that the genre could still be done and was most importantly, still fun.
Imagine a new wave of Arcade side-scrollers. I feel the time is ripe. I mean who wouldn’t want a Walking Dead brawler, or from Marvel who are making huge waves on screens big and small an Avengers brawler would be ideal, or even a Gravity Falls beat em’ up (the TV series itself even paid homage to the genre)?
All the pieces are in place for a comeback even the delivery system is ideal in the modern era with PSN, Xbox Live Steam and Wiiware offering an easy way to get these games out to people who are forgoing the full physical release route that could make these games hits once more.
Given the chance I think this genre could rise once again, it just needs someone to give it a gamble.
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