Stumped – My Gaming Resolution 2015

Merry Christmas everyone / Happy 2015 my lovelies (please refer to whichever is more as appropriate to when you’re reading this). I hope you’re having a wonderful Christmas time and are in the process of over indulging in food and drink and all that stuff that makes you happy at the time, but regret in the cold light of day 🙂

As everyone does, and I seem to do it more the older I get, it’s that time of year to make my New Year’s resolutions list. Now for those who may not remember, or dare I say, not know what a New Year’s resolution is, according to Wikipedia it is a “…promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year’s Day.” Now I know there are those typical resolutions, the ones everyone does, which quite frankly, I don’t need to do. For starters, saying “I want to improve my body” is just unfair. I’m already a hottie, so improving on this would just throw the universe into chaos. I don’t need to give up smoking because I don’t actually smoke and drinking is what keeps me sane, so I’ll leave that as it is. However, what I have neglected in 2014 is my gaming. Yeah I’ve written blogs about mobile gaming this year, which is totes amazeballs, but I do miss the time I’d dedicated to console gaming. So my New Year’s list is dedicated to restarting my consoles:

1) Sort out my pissing internet – I technically just have a dongle, which I promised to upgrade as soon as I moved. Sadly I haven’t moved, so no snazzy internet… yet. I aim to have moved and get me some unlimited goodness before the first half of the year ends

2) Buy a second control pad – for years I’ve gamed alone in my room, normally in my underwear, surrounded by junk food. I still do this, but now I have Seb lurking in the background. I need to get another control pad, for all my consoles, so I can kick his non-gaming ass

3) Upgrade at least one of my consoles – I have a Wii, Xbox 360 with Kinect and Playstation 3. I need to decide which one I either like the most, the one I’ve had the longest, or which one I like the games for the most, get rid and keep up with everyone else

4) Buy at least one new game every three months – The last game I purchased is GTA V. Yes, GTA-bloody-V. I see ads for new stuff and I always say “Oh, I’ll need to get that”, and that’s as far as I go. 2015 is going to be different, oh yes.

5) ‘Clock’ a game I own – Does everyone still say ‘clock’ now when it comes to completing a game in all its entirety? Is that still a thing? Anyway, whatever you young doodle hoppers call it these days, that’s what I want to do with at least one game.

Wish me luck!







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