The Ready Up Podcast – Season 3 Episode 10 – “Beyond Batman’s Black Flag!”

This week Tony is joined by podcast virgin Dean Bowman and Gamewank’s Jim Trinca AKA Tam McGleish. Jim has been swashing his buckle through Assassins Creed: Black Flag and shares the experience and contrasts the current vs next-gen versions as he’s been lucky enough to play both.


  • Jim loves all of the individual pieces of Beyond: Two Souls but doesn’t think they fit together into a truly cohesive whole
  • Tony thinks that Batman: Arkham Origins isn’t all that special and noticed that the voice actors from the other titles are missing too
  • Dean is still addicted to to Diablo 3 and is enjoying his journey through Mass Effect 3
  • Elder Scrolls Online is discussed and all agree that Elder Scrolls has always been a solitary experience and this doesn’t feel like an ES game. Tony also questions the £8.99 per month subscription
  • CoD sparks a resolution discussion
  • Dean is also looking forward to The Order and the wonderfully titled Whore of the Orient

Plus Tony mentioned a download-only trailer for KillZone Shadowfall and you can get that here: Killzone Shadowfall Trailer


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Ready Up Podcast theme music courtesy of Tommy Tallarico.







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