Looking For Party – Vere Vere Good


Sometimes, life loves to shout out loud at you just how lucky you are. Being surrounded by people who give a damn about you is a pretty amazing feeling. Recently I was reminded just what a lucky woman I am… a couple of weeks ago I was spending time abroad visiting my family, so little Paru was not going to be played all week… or so I thought! I had asked Kody to keep an eye on my baby chocobo MisterFantastic (yes that is his name and yes, he IS fantastic) and feed/walk him every real life day in game. What I didn’t know what that with the help of our linkshell MogHat II, he was actually performing runs to get all the items needed for the Monk Empyrean weapon; The Verethragna.

My beautiful babies!
My beautiful babies!

On the FFXI wiki it explains: The Persian god of victory and the personification of aggressive triumph. He punishes the evil done by man and demon. Verethragna appears in many shapes: bear, bird of prey, bull, camel, youth, warrior with a golden sword, wind etc.

Some of the MH II crew and Paru's delicious fists of murder <3
Some of the MH II crew and Paru’s delicious fists of murder <3

They take the shape of two large horn shaped gauntlets placed over the fists. Any Monk wearing these should feel extremely proud of themselves – the hard work and effort that goes into making such a weapon is an example of dedication to your job. It also allows you to perform the weapon skill ‘Victory Smite’, a flurry of blows and kicks finished up with a huge punch at the end. Filthy good fun! I had previously started the beginner trials required to begin creating these beautiful weapons but I never really took it seriously, I didn’t think I could dedicate so much time just to myself.

Just some of the items gained through days of playing...mental.
Just some of the items gained through days of playing… mental.

After returning home and getting settled in, we logged in and the first thing I noticed was that my linkpearl was not equipped… then I noticed I was in a bikini (as you do) and on a beach. The beach where we got married in game for fun in 2011… and then I saw them. Placed on each hip was a massive Verethragna fist.

I could not possibly repeat the ever so colourful language I squealed, because I appreciate you far too much, dear reader!

I could not possibly repeat the ever so colourful language I squealed, because I appreciate you far too much, dear reader! But needless to say I was overwhelmed! After hugging the life out of poor Kody, I popped my link pearl on. When you log into a link shell, you are greeted with the LS message and ours read: Congratulations to Paru on her Verethragna! Then I proceeded to thank everyone in game a million times and had a little cry. Reading this back now I am blushing a little but still beaming with pride.

Kody was concerned that I would be angry with everyone because I myself had not contributed to the hard work required to complete all the trials. But as he would explain to me later on, during my time in FFXI I have always come along and helped others out and this was them returning the favour. I had done the hard work, but focused on others rather than furthering myself and now it was time to collect my reward. I KNOW how many hours of solid game play go into creating an Empyrean weapon but for these guys to do it in a week!? Utter madness! This was my ‘congratulations on your engagement’ gift from my friends in game. Almost as shiny as my actual engagement ring itself! Since then, I have been constantly working towards getting the best gear set up to maximise my damage output. And oh my bloody God, what damage I do now!

Previously, I was hitting maybe 1k damage per weapon skill? Nah, not happening any more!
Previously, I was hitting maybe 1k damage per weapon skill? Nah, not happening any more!

And I feel pretty damn smug wearing these bad boys, they look sexy and they hit like a tank! So thank you, Tenatzen and the wonderful people of MogHat II. I promise each single punch I throw and every weapon skill I perform, I do so wonderfully well because of you guys. I am the luckiest Monk in FFXI.







One response to “Looking For Party – Vere Vere Good”

  1. Giles Armstrong avatar
    Giles Armstrong

    A really nice story, almost like a videogame equivalent of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ – do good things for people, without necessarily ‘having to’, and you see your kindness repaid when you least expect it.

    I also think ‘Victory Smite’ should become a meme, if it isn’t already. Great blog.

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