The Next Generation Xbox to be revealed tonight

Months of speculation and wild unfettered rumours lead up to this, the night when Microsoft finally tell us all about their next console.

Will it be always online?  Does it block used games?  Will you need to hold on to your 360 to continue playing the games of the current gen?  All will be revealed tonight.

You can watch the stream at 6pm tonight, UK time, on ( right here.  If you’d rather your backside was on your sofa you can watch it through the Live Event Player on your Xbox console, but you’ll need to update before you can watch so open it in advance.

At current there are no solid pieces of information on the next Xbox out there, so just like the PS4 reveal we’ll all be going into this as blind as each other.

So what features would you like to see in the next generation’s Xbox console?






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