2K Announce Bioshock Infinite Man Hunt

2K have just announced a nationwide competition that urges gamers to tweet an photo of Booker DeWitt’s fugitive posters. Anyone finding and tweeting a picture of a poster will be entered into a prize draw to win the Limited BioShock Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition. The posters, hidden across the country with indie games retailers, will be on display from March 1st until April 1st. The staff of retailer displaying the winning poster will be given £1000 cash to share.

Ben Lawrence, UK PR Manager 2K Games said, “Booker DeWitt is one of Columbia’s most wanted men, so we’ve set him loose in the country’s Indie stores. It will be great fun for people to hunt down his wanted posters. Find one, tweet it using the hash-tag #BioShockInfinite, and you could win the limited edition version of the game.”

More details can be found at bioshockinfinite.com

WantedPoster (1)







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