The Ready Up Podcast – Season 2, Episode 1 – New Podcast +

It’s a new season  for the Ready Up Podcasts and Dan has handed over the reins of the show to John, who’ll be guiding the co-hosts and guests through the topics of the day.

In this episode:

– Who’s who and why we’re here

– The games we play

– News
EA vs Zynga
The next XBox
Appy Gamer is launched

– Laura’s Blog Brand

– Dan takes a special trip!

Plus there all of the usual banter and guff you know and love from the team.

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Ready Up Podcast theme music courtesy of Tommy Tallarico.







2 responses to “The Ready Up Podcast – Season 2, Episode 1 – New Podcast +”

  1. Tony avatar

    In case anyone was wondering after listening, the game that I couldn’t think of was “Dark Sector”, where you throw the spinning glave and decapitate people etc.

  2. Mark P avatar

    Mark Hamill is The Watcher in Darksiders, not the guy you go and buy stuff from! 🙂

    FUN FACT: War is also voiced by the same guy who voices Asura in Asura’s Wrath.

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