Ready Up 2009 Game Awards


We’ve almost reached the end of another fantastic year for gaming and with 2010 just around the corner it’s time for the Ready Up 2009 Game Awards!

Perhaps you’ve rather enjoyed traversing the dark corridors of the Arkham Asylum, adventuring with Nathan Drake, vaulting around Venice as Ezio or perhaps shooting up a storm with Ghost and company.

It’s been a year that should also be remembered not just for the huge blockbuster titles, but for the jump in quality of the downloadable game scene, as seen in titles such as Shadow Complex and Trials HD.

With competition as feisty as this, your favourite games have never needed your vote more than now.

Enough waffle, let’s get voting!







10 responses to “Ready Up 2009 Game Awards”

  1. Kat avatar

    So… where is Resident Evil 5?

  2. Kat avatar

    I didn’t say that! There’s an imposter! ^_^ I shall go and vote now

  3. Lordstar avatar

    option 5 is such an awesome fighting game. X-D

    Looking at the list makes me glad i took 2 months out this year from gaming rather than the year before. really has been slim pickings.

  4. Zero avatar

    Voted. I love how you put Dragon Age in with Pokemon. Like there is any comparison.

  5. Jonny/IV DemonJ avatar
    Jonny/IV DemonJ

    All voted and done and dusted. I think the fact that it was slim pickings makes it ever so tight amongst 3/4 titles that shone in 2009.

  6. Danny avatar

    No SingStar option in the music section!? Pokémon Platinum FTW!

  7. Leon avatar

    I haven’t voted yet – I’ve noticed that theres no “Other/None” choice. It’s not that I mind having to choose from a list, but I don’t want to submit a vote for a game I haven’t played (such as any of the MMO titles). Hopefully this can be altered?

  8. Kat avatar

    I’m struggling with the same reason as Leon :/ I don’t want to skew the vote when I haven’t played any of the games in a category. Plus Alien V Predator is the only game so far I’m desperate to play next year ^_^

  9. Duncan avatar

    Should be interesting. 😉

  10. Scott avatar

    I’ve got to echo the “imposter” Kat’s comment in asking: Where is Resident Evil 5? I mean, Chris is even in the banner for the article header! 😉

    Sure, it’s not going to be at the top of everyone’s list with stuff like Batman and Uncharted 2 out there, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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