..I play the same game over and over again.
Final Fantasy X-2 is a game I turned my nose up at the instant my beloved, delicate, quiet, innocent Yuna took to a stage in a miniskirt and started singing and dancing. I hate the whole “Y, R, P! Girl power!” notion. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with girls having power, but there’s something annoying about (literally) making a song and dance about it at every opportunity and inappropriate non-opportunity.
Most of the characters I liked from Final Fantasy X were missing or abhorrently changed. New areas tended to take the form of bland, repeating copy-and-paste corridors. I had to do a mission where I paired up monkeys to make happy monkey couples.
And yet for some reason I saw fit to sink over 400 hours into Final Fantasy X-2. Why? Because I wanted to level up. I wanted everyone to be level 99. I wanted everyone to have maximum ability points for each inexplicably stupid “dressphere”. The idea of increasing numbers, chances and statistics is hugely addictive, even when I despise the damn game.
I quite like Borderlands. I’m enjoying it. But I can’t actually remember the last time I bought a game before this. There are so many games I’ve missed, and I’m missing out on, partly due to funds, but also because I’ve been thoroughly absorbed in hitting level 50 with my dear Roland the Soldier. After that I need to hit level 50 with Brick. Then I intend to hit level 50 with Lilith. Then I’d like to hit level 50 with Mordecai.
The prospect of adding another point to a stat and to really feel the benefits the next time there’s an enemy in my face, is both thrilling and amazingly sad. It’s a massive accomplishment for me to stroll casually by the standard enemies and defeat them with ease, when not so long ago they challenged and scared me.
Right now, Roland is sitting at level 49, waiting. But I’ve temporarily abandoned him. Because deep down I know that once I’ve hit 50, once my experience bar ceases to move, and I can’t spend any more points for any more improvements (apart from weapon proficiency, I suppose), I’ll loose all incentive to continue playing.
Metal Gear Solid always has me hooked for a number of reasons (Snake is God, Snake is God, Snake is God, and the story is rather brilliant), but something compelled me to force Snake to do pull-ups on the railings of the tanker for what felt like hours. You can max Snake out to level 3 for railing-holding-on-ness!!! YEAH! EXCELLENT!
Okay, that’s all. Roland isn’t going to reach 50 while I’m sitting here.
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