Battle of Destiny

Battle of Destiny will be one battle short. I will not be competing in any tournaments. I know it’s a terrible loss to the gaming community and the biggest fighting game tournament in the UK will be the poorer for it. I say it’ll be a loss but what I mean is that people will not get to see one of the worst players of the genre in history and in that sense you are definitely being deprived of an… experience. However I hope that our Shaz will be on “The Road to Evolution” as it’s being dubbed. Not only is Battle of Destiny likely to bring to the UK the best Street Fighter players on the planet but those winning tournaments on Hyper Street Fighter 2, Tekken 5, Capcom vs. SNK 2 and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike will be heading for Evolution in Vegas at the beginning of August. Evolution and its magnitude in fighting game circles came to my attention though a famous victory filmed at Evo 2004.

Although BoD features these epic tournaments with nail-biting fights between colossally talented players, (read Shaz’s blog series A Fighter’s Journey to get an idea of the skillz required) there is also the Casual Zone to check out. You could easily be mistaken for thinking that this is the area where button bashers and birds hang out while the proper gamers get on with the tournys. you’d be wrong. On the 26th and 27th of July in the year of our Lord (Ryu) 2008 the Casual Zone will have booths set up to allow attendees to play Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Soul Calibur 4. Not only that but you might just get to touch the hem of the great Justin ‘Marvelous’ Wong one of the greatest SF players on the planet. When I say “touch the hem of” I mean he’ll be playing exhibition matches and you can be humiliated by him by getting KO’d in two seconds flat in front of a group of your friends and peers. And you will be among friends. If you can make the event at the London Metropolitan Uni that weekend you’ll see us Ready Uppers there filming, pwn’ing and being pwn’ed. I bags Chunners.

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6 responses to “Battle of Destiny”

  1. Michael avatar

    Daigo vs Wong, right? That was an A-MAZ-ING match! And I’m not really a fan of the genre. Mostly because I’m crap.

    Have fun you lot! 🙂

  2. City avatar

    Cant wait cant wait cant wait!!!!
    I was bouncing roubnd game store yesterday singing about playing with SC4 before it comes out, the guys there didnt look too impressed mwahah

    Its gonna be awesome sauce!

  3. Laura avatar

    Aw come on, you can’t be worse than me! Although if anyone plays me at BoD they will have to let me win cause I will get all hormonal and cry if I loose.

  4. Kirsten avatar

    Bugger, that’s usually my excuse.

  5. Dave avatar

    Daigo VS Wong is epic, first read about that in Edge and checked out the video – legend!

  6. JustinW avatar

    heyyyy nice article

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