Let’s face it, if you’ve got more than 50 tons of armour bearing down on your position you’re not gonna argue with it unless you’ve got some SERIOUS fire power at your disposal. Even with some kind of huge explosive projectile in your hands there’s not guarantee that that looming monstrosity isn’t going to spot you first and completely flatten you now is there?! Of course in real life one would need to be much more careful than in the wonderful world of gaming and it’s conveniently placed checkpoints. In the heat of a battle which has mostly played out on foot to charge out in front of a tank that is approaching without warning is most likely going to result in your annihilation.
They’re mighty handy though aren’t they, when they’re yours to command! Ploughing through the opposition with true power, watching the mere mortals flee only to be effortlessly obliterated. Tanks have their weaknesses though obviously, there are those pesky RPG’s for one which like most heavy weaponry in a game seem to be more powerful when an enemy’s firing at you. If it takes you three shots to blast a tank you just know that an NPC is only going need to land one or two to end your fun. But they soon learn their lesson, on the next respawn. Mwah ha haaa!
In a perfect world tanks would be road legal, imagine how much easier the school run and the shopping would be, the tax would probably be pretty high and our insurance would have to cover us for road-rage induced shell damage but at least sitting in queues and at traffic lights would be a thing of the past.
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